4 September 2010

Amnesty Campaign for Shiva Nazar Ahari

This video was made by Amnesty Norway this summer, and it was sent on national TV almost every day.

Read more about Shiva Nazar Ahari on Tehran Bureau:
Courageous and Principled: Shiva Nazar Ahari - by Muhammad Sahimi

Amnesty International’s campaign to save Shiva Nazar Ahari: Write a letter!!
“.... since her arrest she has spent much of the time in solitary confinement which she described as a “cage-like” cell, where she cannot move her arms or legs. She has limited access to her family, and no access to her lawyers. If she is convicted of the charges held against her, she will face a lengthy prison term, or possibly the death sentence.” 

Photo report showing damage to Mehdi Karroubi’s residence

From the Facebook page supporting Mir Hossein Mousavi:

Link to photos

Photo report showing the traces of bullet shots and severe damage to Mehdi Karroubi’s residence: Lat night for the fifth consecutive night the Basij and plain-clothes thugs while chanting slogans in support for the supreme leader attacked the residence of Mehdi Karroubi and wrote insulting slogans on his building walls such as “Death to Karroubi”. They opened fire and cut telephone lines, damaged water pipes, smashed the windows, put the entrance door on fire and severely vandalized the building while trying to terrorize Mehdi Karroubi, his family and neighbors. All this happened while the police and security forces did nothing to stop the pro-government thugs! According to SahamNews among the attackers there were notorious criminals who were intoxicated on the holy night of Qadr. These criminals were hired specifically to terrorize and destroy.

متهمان و مجرمان سابقه‌دار در میان مهاجمان به منزل کروبی: چند نفر از مهاجمان در شب قدر از مشروبات الکلي استفاده کرده بودند

”بسیاری از مهاجمان شب‌های گذشته به منزل کروبی، از میان متهمان و مجرمان سابقه‌دار اجیر شده بودند.”ا

به گزارش سحام نيوز : به گفته برخی کارکنان کلانتری فرمانیه و نیاوران بسیاری از مهاجمان افرادی بودند که پیشتر به دلایل مختلف مانند فساد اخلاقی،دزدي و مشروب‌خواری و دلایل مشابه بازداشت شده بودند.ا

به گزارش خبرنگار سحام نيوز چند نفر از مهاجمان در شب قدر از مشروبات الکلي استفاده کرده بودند که بعد از پرتاب کني سنگ به سمت شيشه هاي منزل آقاي کروبي و نثار دشنام هاي ناموسي به عزاداري مي پرداختند

اين افراد که به نظر می‌رسد صرفا برای انجام خراب‌کاری و حمله و بی‌حرمتی به منزل شیخ اصلاحات اجیر شده بودند، امروز ساعت سه بعدازظهر محل را ترک کردند، اما گفته‌اند که مجددا باز خواهند گشت.ا

حمله به منزل مهدی کروبی، پنج شب پیاپی صورت ‌گرفت، که در آخرين شب با خشونت بسیاری همراه بود، به طوری که تیراندازی و جراحت شدید یکی از محافظان کروبی را در پی داشت.ا

در حمله شب گذشته این افراد که شعار “خونی که در رگ ماست، هدیه به رهبر ماست” را مدام تکرار می‌کردند، شیشه‌ها و در خانه کروبی شکسته و جای گلوله در راهرو خانه و پنجره‌ها به وضوح دیده می‌شود. همچنین این افراد با قطع کابل‌، تلفن‌های خانه را نیز از کار انداخته‌اند.ا

منبع: سحام نیوز

3 September 2010

Live Blogging Iran Quds Day Protests

The following blogs are live blogging today's Quds day events in Iran:

The Daily NiteOwl (Josh Shahryar)

Dissected News (James Miller)

Enduring America (Scott Lucas)

Please inform me of other live blogs following today's protests.

2 September 2010

Karroubi’s house under ‘siege’ for the fifth consecutive night

- and now it’s getting nasty.

A few hors ago the Twitter #iranelection feed bursted into a frenzy with news of violent attacts outside Karroubi’s house.
Some damage had already been done to the residence yesterday, and Saham News posted some images earleier today. An alleged video also emerged:

The thugs are shouting "Marg bar Karroubi!", "Death to Karroubi!".

At 18:50 GMT today reports were that the pro-regime crowd were throwing Molotov cocktails and Karroubi’s bodyguards firing shots into the air.
About an hour later reports came out that one of Karroubi’s bodyguards was taken to hospital.
At 20:30 GMT Mehdi Karroubi’s son Hossein spoke to Radio Farda before the family’s phone was cut off:
The home is completely blockaded. Our neighborhood is now just like the desert of Karbala (where Imam Hossein was martyred after being denied water for days) and occupied Palestine. The building is completely surrounded. There were gun shots fired directly at the building. The bodyguards in return fired some warning shots. All windows of the building are broken. They shot out all the street lights in the alley. Apparently some [assailants] were injured and ambulance has taken them [to hospital].
The situation is very chaotic now and the attackers are continuously chanting slogans and their attack word is “We are responding, O Khamenei”.

Read the complete, updated report on the blog Enduring America

Last update via Facebook (Negar Irani) - about 22:00 GMT:
In a short message to the nation of Iran, in an effort to protect people's lives, Karroubi explicitly requested that people NOT come to the area of his residence. Karroubi stated "On this sacred night I accept what God has destined for me and I will continue to fight for the people's rights to the bitter end. Despite recommendations by his security to leave his residence, Karroubi has refused to leave the building. Source: Saham News

A happy family reunion in Oslo

The Iranian human rights lawyer who had to flee Iran in July this year, was reunited with his wife and daughter in Oslo today.

Nightly chants from the rooftops - 2 September 2010

Allahu Akbar = God is Great!
Marg bar diktator! = Death to the dictator!

The video is dated by voice over.

1 September 2010

Basijis Brutally Attack Karroubi's Residence for 4th Consecutive Night!

English translation by Negar Irani, from Saham News - Mehdi Karroubi’s official newspaper. 

Wednesday September 1st, 2010 (Wed 10th Shahrivar, Tehran Time)

According to SahamNews, minutes ago, Mehdi Karroubi's residence was once again brutally attacked by Basiji thugs. Following Fatemeh Karroubi's open letter of protest to Ayatollah Khamenei last night and as a result of the government's fear of Karroubi's potential attendance at the Qhods Day demonstrations, a large number of organized Basiji thugs once again gathered outside the Karroubi residence from around 10pm Tehran time tonight.

On the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Ali and Qhadr night, and in the presence of security forces that supported them, these individuals were allowed to disturb the public order and create discomfort for people leaving in the neighborhood who were fasting during the sacred month of Ramadan. According to the SahamNews Reporter on site, the thugs chanted slogans against Mehdi Karroubi and in support of the Supreme Leader, threw rocks and sprayed paint on the walls of the residential complex creating substantial damage to the building. In addition to breaking the windows and spraying the walls with paint, the Basiji thugs also vandalized the building's security cameras. The Basiji thugs affiliated with a neighborhood martyrs group (Shahid Mahalati) chanted slogans such as "If only Khamenei would give us the order to fight..." and "We congratulate the union of the United States and Karroubi", wreaking havoc and disturbing people's peace and quiet.

These individuals carrying all sorts of weapons had also engaged in similar activities during the past three nights with the intention to create fear and disturb public order and in particular prevent Mehdi Karroubi from participating at the Qhods Day demonstrations. It looks as though the ruling government is intent on using Basiji thugs and the Sepah (IRGC), doing everything possible to prevent Mehdi Karroubi from participating at the Qhods Day demonstrations. It is worth mentioning that as a result of last night's attacks in an open letter written to Khamenei, Fatemeh Karroubi had stated: "What do my husband's differences of opinion with you (a fact apparent to everyone) have to do with the right of my family to exist?"

Source: SahamNews http://www.sahamnews.org/

خبر فوری:حمله وحشیانه اراذل بسیجی به منزل مهدی کروبی در چهارمین شب متوالی

شهریور ۱۱م, ۱۳۸۹ |

سحام نیوز:دقایقی قبل منزل مهدی کروبی مورد حمله وحشیانه اراذل و اوباش بسیجی قرار گرفت. به گزارش خبرنگار سحام نیوز در پی نامه اعتراض آمیز شب گذشته فاطمه کروبی به آیت الله خامنه ای و همچنین ترس حکومت از حضور مهدی کروبی در راهپیمایی روز قدس، از ساعت ۱۰ امشب تعداد کثیری از اراذل و اوباش بسیجی در اقدامی هماهنگ واز قبل برنامه ریزی شده اقدام به تجمع در جلوی ساختمان محل سکونت مهدی کروبی نمودند. این افراد به نوعی از حمایت نیروهای انتظامی نیز برخوردار شده اند، بطوریکه در شب قدر و شب شهادت امام علی(ع) این افراد بدون هیچ گونه ابایی اقدام به بر هم زدن نظم عمومی و آسایش مردم روزه دار در این شب مبارک نموده اند. گزارش خبرنگار ما حاکی از آن است که این افراد با سردادن شعارهایی بر علیه مهدی کروبی و در حمایت از رهبری اقدام به پرتاب سنگ و پاشیدن رنگ بر روی ساختمان محل سکونت مهدی کروبی نمودند. اقدام این افراد موجب وارد آمدن خسارت های به ساختمان شد. این افراد علاوه بر شکستن شیشه های ساختمان اقدام به پاشیدن رنگ و دزدیدن دوربین های امنیتی ساختمان نمودند. این افراد اراذل و اوباش نظامی که وابسته به قرارگاه شهید محلاتی هستند با سر دادن شعارهایی همچون”وای اگر خامنه ای حکم جهادم دهد و … ” ” امریکا- کروبی- پیوندتان مبارک” و پرتاب سنگ و اشیاء مختلف به سمت ساختمان مسکونی، موجب بر هم زدن آسایش مردم منطقه شدند.

این در حالیست که این افراد همچون۳ شب گذشته با به همراه داشتن سلاح های گرم و سرد قصد ترساندن و ایجاد رعب و وحشت در اذهان عمومی و علی الخصوص جلوگیری از حضور مهدی کروبی در راهپیمایی روز قدس را دارند. گویا جریان حاکم با توسل به گروه های اوباشگر بسیجی و استفاده از امکانات بسیج و سپاه قصد دارد تا از هر طریق ممکن از حضور مهدی کروبی در راهپیمایی روز قدس جلوگیری بعمل آورد. لازم به یادآوریست که در پی حمله شب گذشته این افراد، فاطمه کروبی در نامه ای به آیت الله خامنه ای گفته بودند: اختلاف همسرم با جنابعالی در مسائلی که همگان بر آن واقفند چه ارتباطی با حق زیستن خانواده ما دارد؟

7 July 2010

Iran’s ambassador to Norway had a bad day at work

 On Monday, 5 July, Iran’s ambassador to Norway, Seyed Hossein Rezvani, was summoned to the Foreign Ministry to receive a formal diplomatic condemnation of death sentences in Iran, in particular the case against Sakineh Ashtiani. On his way he was met by journalists and photographers.

He quite obviously did not like this, and in a comment to Dagbladet complains about the way he was treated. In the usual style we have got accustomed to from IRI officials, he tries to come across as the real victim and accuses everyone else of lies and disinformation.

Sakineh Ashtiani has been sentenced to death by stoning for alleged adultery, but ambassador Rezvani told Dagbladet that the case against her had not been decided yet, and denied that she will be stoned. He also claimed that stoning is no longer a practice used in Iran.

Other comments from Rezvani according to Dagbladet:

- State Secretary Espen Barth Eide did not have enough information about the case, so I had to update him.

- This is unacceptable. Especially since the matter is not settled, any criticism is premature.

- The legal process is still running, and any comment about her case will be to interfere in the independence of the judicial system in Iran.

- Norway shows a double morale. This is part of a political campaign to put pressure on Iran. It's an excuse to launch a political campaign against Iran.

- It would be better to discuss the topic in a meeting, or possibly via a simple phone call.

- It is unfortunate that it should go so far that I would be called to the Foreign Ministry.

- I asked Barth Eide if he would protect human rights rather than to launch political campaigns.

It sure is tough to be Iran’s ambassador these days. And if this wasn't enough the TV news continued torturing him till late in the night by setting this case up as number one.

Good job from Norway’s Foreign Ministry. Keep it up!

6 July 2010

Norway condemns death sentences in Iran

Source: Norway's Ministry of Foreign Affairs

6 July, State Secretary Espen Barth Eide summoned the Iranian Ambassador, Seyed Hossein Rezvani, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in connection with two death sentences in Iran.

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani has been sentenced to death by stoning for infidelity, and Mohammad Reza Haddadi has been sentenced to death for an crime allegedly committed when he was a minor. The case of Majid Tavakkoli was also raised. Mr Tavakkoli has been imprisoned for his political activities as a student, and is serving his sentence in isolation.

Mr Barth Eide commented: “In my meeting with the Iranian Ambassador, I raised three specific cases, each of which are cause for grave concern. We view execution by stoning as an inhuman and barbaric form of punishment and we condemn it. The same applies to the use of the death penalty for crimes committed by minors. In addition, we take a very critical view of imprisonment for the expression of political views.

“Besides, these sentences are in violation of Iran’s obligations under its national law and under international conventions to which Iran is a party.”

In addition to these three cases, it was also emphasised that Norway opposes the death penalty in principle and in all circumstances, and that Iran has committed itself to following the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Iran was also urged to discontinue stoning as a form of punishment.

28 June 2010

Majid Tavakoli's Physical Condition Seriously Deteriorating

Sunday June 27th, 2010. According to reports by HRANA, even though Majid Tavakoli's physical condition has seriously deteriorated, to date, prison officials have done nothing to treat him. Tavakoli is a well known student activist in Iran, transferred to room #2 in Evin's general ward 350 on June 22nd, 2010.

HRANA reports that due to the harsh prison conditions and in particular Tavakoli's dry hunger strike while he was in solitary confinement in ward 240, he is now suffering from a serious lung condition that is rapidly deteriorating with the passing of each day.

The medicines Tavakoli been prescribed by a doctor is no longer sufficient. Dr. Behzadian Nejad, Tavakoli's prison mate, has recommended that he stop using them due to possible adverse consequences.

Majid Tavakoli is currently being held in room #2 at ward 350 in Evin (formerly room #5). Since his transfer he has only been allowed a 2 minute phone conversation with his family.

As a result of the recent construction efforts many of the imprisoned political prisoners have been transferred from other areas in ward 350 (particularly section 7 and 8) to area, that has more restrictions than other general wards in the prison.

It is worth mentioning that Majid Tavakoli a former student at Amir Kabir University in Tehran, was sentenced to 8 1/2 years in prison and has been incarcerated since December 7th 2009.

Source: http://www.daneshjoonews.com/news/student/1705-1389-04-06-08-57-41.html

شرایط جسمی وخیم مجید توکلی در بند ۳۵۰
يكشنبه, ۰۶ تیر ۱۳۸۹

مجید توکلی، از فعالین معروف جنبش دانشجویی ایران که از اول تیرماه به بند 350 منتقل شده است، در شرایط جسمی نامساعدی به سر می برد و مسئولان نسبت به رسیدگی به وضعیت وی بی توجه اند.

بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، آقای توکلی که به دلیل شرایط سخت زندان عموما و اعتصاب غذا در سلول انفرادی بند 240 خصوصا به نارسایی ریوی مبتلا شده است روز به روز شرایط وخیم تری پیدا می کند.

این روند تاجایی است که داروهای قبلی که توسط پزشک برای این زندانی سیاسی تجویز شده بود، دیگر جوابگوی وضعیت وی نیست و دکتر بهزادیان نژاد، هم بند وی، توصیه کرده که دیگر از این دارو ها استفاده نکند چرا که عواقب خواهد داشت.

مجید توکلی اکنون در اتاق 2 بند 350 (اتاق 5 قدیم) محبوس است و از زمان انتقال تاکنون تنها موفق به برقراری یک تماس 2 دقیقه ای با خانواده ی خود شده است.

مدتی است که علی رغم ساخت و ساز و شرایط نامطلوب بند 350، زندانیان سیاسی محبوس در سایر بندها (خصوصا اندرزگاه های7-8) را به این مکان منتقل می کنند. در این بند نسبت به سایر بندهای عمومی، محدودیت های بیش تری به زندانیان اعمال می شود.

لازم به یادآوری است که مجید توکلی، دانشجوی دانشگاه پلی تکنیک تهران، از 16 آذر سال 88 تاکنون در زندان به سر می برد و با حکمی 8 و نیم ساله مواجه است.


12 June 2010

Live blogging 22 Khordad 1389 - 12 June 2010

Anniversary of Iran’s 2009 presidential election

These blogs are following today’s events live:

Enduring America


The Daily Nite Owl - Josh Shahryar

Revolutionary Road - Saeed Valadbaygi (Facebook)


Dissected News - James the Hype

Halagahate Sabz's Blog (farsi)

For videos go to:
YouYube - onlymehdi’s channel

Live persian radio low bandwidth:

Please notify me of other live blogs following the anniversary.

11 June 2010

Chants of Allaho Akbar in Tehran tonight

The Green movement is still strong and very much alive!

Tehran Governor on why permit for 22 Khordad demonstration was denied

Source and translation: Negar Irani

Governor of Tehran - "Give me one good reason why we should have issued a permit for this demonstration."

The Governor of Tehran stated "A permit has not been issued for the planned demonstrations this Saturday 22nd Khordad (June 12th). According to reports by ISNA, Morteza Tamadon, Governor of Tehran made the following comments to a local reporter during his early morning visit to the city of Qods: "The conspirators have received a large blow by the Iranian nation. Now that their sinister plans to confront the sacred Islamic Republic are dead, they have resorted to psychological warfare
and intend to harass people and disturb public interest and have requested that the Governor grant a permit for an unrealistic demonstration."

Tamadon continued: "Their request was presented in the form of a letter. This letter provided no legal guarantees, and before it was even presented to the Governor's office, it was published on various domestic, anti government sites. We saw no reason what so ever to provide a permit to demonstrate that would disturb a calm society focused on working and making a living. They [the opposition] have continued to disseminate a big lie and insist that the people's election was fraudulent."

He added "If these people have requested a permit to march so that they can celebrate on the 22 of Khordad (June 12th), then we should call this celebration by its real name "a lie". The nation of Iran will never forgive them for their sins and some day they will have to pay for their illegal actions in a court of law."

Tamadon went on to say " It is laughable to even think about providing a permit for a demonstration on the 22nd of Khordad and as such their request was denied. Any illegal acts on this day, designed to disturb public order and harass the people will therefore not be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with the law.

With regards to the rumors that schools and businesses will be closed on Saturday, the Governor responded "This too is a humorous comment and must be dismissed. It is a rumor devised by the heads of the conspiracy; another means of psychological warfare. The Iranian people are fully aware that this joke is intended for those who live abroad and is far from the reality. Tomorrow all schools and businesses will remain open. Universities will continue with their year end exams in a calm and normal atmosphere and businesses will function as usual."

Tamadon concluded "The conspirators need to begin reflecting about themselves and their future. This type of rhetoric and gossip will only solidify their dark record in the eyes of the Iranian nation. God willing, soon we will witness the demise of the conspirators and those from whom they take orders."

Source: Kaleme : http://www.kaleme.com/1389/03/21/klm-22374

استاندار تهران: به چه دلیلی باید به این راهپیمایی مجوز می‌دادیم؟

جمعه, ۲۱ خرداد, ۱۳۸۹

چکیده : بحث خنده‌آور راهپیمایی در 22 خرداد موضوعیت نداشت، لذا برای روز شنبه مجوز هیچ‌گونه تجمعی داده نشده و هر حرکت غیرقانونی که در راستای اخلال در نظم عمومی جامعه و ایجاد مزاحمت برای مردم باشد تحمل نخواهد شد و برابر قانون برخورد می‌شود.

استاندار تهران گفت: هیچ مجوزی برای تجمع در روز ۲۲ خرداد صادر نشده است.

به گزارش ایسنا، مرتضی تمدن صبح امروز در حاشیه بازدید از شهرستان قدس در مصاحبه با خبرنگاران محلی در پاسخ به سوالی درباره صدور مجوز تجمع فردا گفت: جریان فتنه بعد از ضربات پی‌درپی که از ملت ایران خورد و پس از این‌که نقشه‌های شوم‌شان برای مقابله با نظام مقدس جمهوری اسلامی ایران به بن‌بست رسید، اخیرا دوباره جنگ روانی به راه انداختند و قصد دارند برای مردم و منافع عمومی ایجاد مزاحمت کنند، لذا درخواست راهپیمایی غیرواقعی از استانداری تهران کردند.

تمدن افزود: در همین راستا نامه‌ای فاقد شماره برای استانداری ارسال کردند و هیچ گونه پیگیری نکردند.

وی افزود: این نامه مستند به هیچ ضمانت قانونی نبود و قبل از این‌که به دست استانداری برسد ما آن را در سایت‌های ضد انقلاب و برخی سایت‌های داخلی ملاحظه کردیم.

استاندار تهران گفت: هیچ گونه دلیلی نبود که ما در برابر فضای عمومی جامعه که فضای آرامش و کار و کوشش است مجوز راهپیمایی بدهیم.

تمدن با طرح این سوال که به چه دلیلی باید به این راهپیمایی مجوز می‌دادیم؟ گفت: این‌ها یک دروغ بزرگ در راستای انتخابات مردمی مطرح کردند و آن هم دروغ بزرگ تقلب بود.

وی گفت: اگر این افراد می‌خواهند با این تقاضا راهپیمایی ۲۲ خرداد را جشن بگیرند، باید اسم آن را جشن دروغ بگذاریم، زیرا با حرکات ناروا مرتکب گناه شدند و در پیشگاه ملت هیچ‌گاه بخشیده نخواهند شد و روزی باید در پیشگاه عدالت و دستگاه قانونی پاسخگوی کارهای خلاف قانون خود باشند.

تمدن افزود: بحث خنده‌آور راهپیمایی در ۲۲ خرداد موضوعیت نداشت، لذا برای روز شنبه مجوز هیچ‌گونه تجمعی داده نشده و هر حرکت غیرقانونی که در راستای اخلال در نظم عمومی جامعه و ایجاد مزاحمت برای مردم باشد تحمل نخواهد شد و برابر قانون برخورد می‌شود.

استاندار تهران درباره شایعه تعطیلی ادارات و مدارس در روز شنبه هم گفت: این حرف از همان حرف‌های مسخره‌ای است که سران داخلی و خارجی برای جنگ روانی به راه انداخته‌اند و مردم هم می‌دانند این حرف‌ها بیشتر به طنز خارج نشینان باید تعبیر شود تا واقعیت.

وی افزود: فردا هیچ اداره‌ای تعطیل نیست و امتحانات مدارس و دانشگاه‌ها در فضایی کاملا عادی و آرام برگزار می‌شود و ادارات نیز به کار خود ادامه می‌دهند.

تمدن افزود: ‌فتنه‌گران بهتر است برای خود فکری بکنند، زیرا با این حرف‌ها و شایعات و خودسری‌ها نمی‌توانند کارنامه بسیار سیاه خود را نزد ملت ایران پاک کنند و ان‌شاءالله به زودی شاهد سقوط آنها به همراه اربابانشان باشیم.

استاندار تهران در سفر یک روزه به شهرستان قدس قرار است علاوه بر حضور و سخنرانی در نماز جمعه از طرح‌های عمرانی دیدن و همچنین با حضور در منازل در سه شهید این شهرستان از خانواده آنان تفقد کند

10 June 2010

Mousavi's and Karroubi's joint statement for June 12 - 22 Khordad

Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi issued a joint statement on the eve of one year anniversary of the rigged presidential election (June 12th - 22 Khordad)

Source: Mousavi Facebook
Original text in farsi: Saham News
Please scroll down for full text in farsi.

In the name of God, the Compassionate and the Merciful

The informed and vigilant people of Iran

The informed and conscientious presence and participation of you at polling stations of the tenth presidential election last year and taking advantage of the right to vote extensively by each one of you was a great move and an everlasting epic that would have returned the country’s future path from the dreadful downhill, in which it was captive and today has become more obvious, to a bright future and the climax of prosperity that the great nation of Iran deserves, but unfortunately tainted hands falsified your pure votes and the results were announced in such a way that shocked everyone and initiated the unified protests of you informed people in order to get back your lost right, however great sadness that your peaceful presence and rallies, instead of being heard and paid attention to, was suppressed and you forever glorious nation paid dearly over the past year to get back your stolen right. Your great and unforgettable rally on Khordaad 25 (June 15) of last year is the evidence of the truth that even passage of time cannot reduce its value. The justified expectations of you dear people prompted us that to request to have a rally for the anniversary of the unforgettable day of Khordaad 22 (June 12, the anniversary of tenth presidential election) in the national epic of election in order to safeguard that stolen epic and to follow-up on the justified demands of a prosperous nation that despite all suppressions did not wash hands from peaceful ways and hopefully seeks a bright future for its county and the country of its children. So we also based on the Article 27 of Islamic Republic’s constitution that clearly states the unconditional right of the people to hold [peaceful] protests and demonstrations and in order to prevent tension, not giving any excuses to the repressors and providing safety and security of the people, handed in the letter of request for permit to hold demonstration on the anniversary of epic 22 Khordaad (12 June) from Imam Hossein Square to Azadi Square to the office of the Governor of Tehran and the Interior Ministry in a timely manner but unfortunately with endless made up excuses this request has been stayed unanswered.

Therefore a number of reformist parties and groups in order to eliminate the made up excuses handed in a similar request to the Interior Ministry which the trend of that process and the final answer of the Interior Ministry to this request has been stated in the latest letter of the representatives of reformist parties, and they have announced that they have no hope to obtain any permit from this administration.

Now that there is only 48 hours left to the time planned for the demonstration, by considering the report of the representatives of reformist parties [who were following up on the request for permit] and also for the safety of the people we are announcing that the planned demonstration will not be held. It is obvious that with the dark history of the past year in repressing the protestors who their only crime was to demand their vote in a peaceful manner and also the reports received indicating that once again hardliners and repressors are being organized to attack the defenceless and innocent people, we ask the people and the protesters to demand and follow up on their rightful demands and requests through less costly and more effective methods.

It is self-deceptive and naive to believe that in your artillery with all the threats, insults and lies you were able to repress and subjugate people’s protest movement. Despite the deafening claims of the so-called national TV and Radio stations and the pro-government press giving the impression that the protesting forces of the Iranian people’s movement has diminished, the very same individuals involved in these claims as well as the policy makers more than anyone realize this fact that the movement is alive and the true honour of it belongs to those who despite all the threats and dangers, the insecurities and also knowing the potential life threatening and financial consequences still have not given up on their rightful protest and even their simple announcement of demonstration makes the repressors shiver from fear and follows the wide scale and comprehensive security and police mobilization.

This is the tradition of an illegitimate government that does not give permit to hold demonstrations to anyone but to their own supporters but given all these the path that you the great nation of Iran have chosen cannot be blocked; and you will brighten your role in this path with creativity and we also in all aspects until the emergence of the bright morning of tomorrow will be with you and will accompany you.

Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi

June 10, 2010

منبع: سحام نیوز (ارگان رسمی اطلاع رسانی حزب اعتماد ملی)ا

بیانیه مهم مهدی کروبی و میرحسین موسوی در آستانه ۲۲ خرداد

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

مردم آگاه و هوشیار ایران

حضور و مشارکت آگاهانه و مسئولانه شما در پای صنوق های اخذ رأی دهمین دوره انتخابات ریاست جمهوری در سال گذشته و بهره گیری گسترده از حق رأی برای تعیین سرنوشت توسط یکا یک شما، حرکتی عظیم و حماسه جاودانه بود که می رفت مسیر آینده کشور را از سرازیری مخوفی که گرفتار آن بود و امروز آشکارتر شده است به سمت افق های روشن و قلّه های افتخار که شایسته ملّت بزرگ ایران است برگرداند که متاسفانه دستان نا پاک در آراء پاک شما دست برده و نتیجه به گونه ای اعلام شد که موجب حیرت همگانی گردید و اعتراضات یک پارچه شما مردم آگاه در جهت احقاق حق از دست رفته را برانگیخت ولیکن صد افسوس راهپیمایی و حضور مسالمت آمیز شما به جای آنکه مورد توجه و رسیدگی قرار گیرد سرکوب شد و شما ملت همیشه سربلند هزینه های بسیاری را در طی یک سال گذشته برای احقاق حق به یغما رفته خود پرداخته اید. راهپیمایی بزرگ و فراموش نشدنی شما در ۲۵ خرداد سال گذشته سند حقانیتی است که گذشت زمان نیز نخواهد توانست از اعتبار آن بکاهد. انتظارات به حق شما مردم عزیز ما را بر آن داشت که جهت پاسداشت آن حماسه به یغما رفته و پیگیری مطالبات به حق ملّتی سرافراز که علیرغم همۀ سرکوب ها دست از روش مسالمت آمیز بر نداشته و امیدوارانه آینده روشن را برای کشور خود و فرزندان خود طلب می کنند برای سالگرد روز فراموش نشدنی ۲۲ خرداد در حماسه ملی در انتخابات تقاضای برگزاری راهپیمایی بنمائیم. ما نیز طبق اصل ۲۷ قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی که بر حق بی چون و چرای ملت در تظاهرات و اعتراض صراحت دارد و با هدف جلوگیری از بروز تنش و گرفتن بهانه از دست سرکوبگران و تأمین امنیت انتظامی ملت، درخواست برگزاری تجمع و راهپیمایی در سالروز حماسه ۲۲ خرداد از میدان امام حسین تا میدان آزادی را در موقع مقتضی تسلیم استانداری تهران و وزارت کشور نموده که متاسفانه با بهانه تراشی های متعدد این درخواست بی پاسخ مانده است.ا

لذا تعدادی از احزاب و گروههای اصلاح طلب جهت رفع بهانه جوئی ها درخواست مشابهی را به وزارت کشور ارائه دادند که سیر آن و پاسخ نهائی وزارت کشور به این درخواست در نامۀ اخیر نمایندگان و احزاب اصلاح طلب آمده است و آنان اعلام کرده اند امیدی به اخذ مجوز از این دولت ندارند.ا

اکنون در حالی که ۴۸ ساعت به زمان پیش بینی شده برای راهپیمایی باقی نمانده است با عنایت به گزارش نمایندگان احزاب اصلاح طلب و نیز جهت حفظ جان و مال مردم اعلام می داریم راهپیمایی پیش بینی شده برگزار نخواهد شد. بدیهی است با سابقه سیاه یک سال گذشته در سرکوب معترضانی که تنها جرمشان طلب نمودن رأی خود به شیوه ی مسالمت آمیز بود و همچنین اخبار رسیده از سازماندهی مجدد افراطیون و سرکوبگران در جهت یورش به مردم بی دفاع و مظلوم، از مردم و معترضان می خواهیم خواسته و مطالبات به حق خود را از مجاری کم هزینه تر و موثرتری دنبال کنند.ا

این خودفریبی و ساده انگاری است که تصور شود با تهدید و تحقیر و دروغ در توپخانه هایتان توانسته اید حرکت اعتراضی مردم را منکوب و سرکوب کنید. علیرغم ادعاهای کرکننده رسانه به اصطلاح ملی صدا و سیما و مطبوعات حامی دولت مبنی بر تحلیل رفتن نیروهای جنبش اعتراضی مردم ایران، خود دست اندکاران و سیاستگذاران بیش از هر کس به این نکته واقفند که جنبش زنده است و افتخار واقعی از آن کسانی ست که علیرغم همه تهدیدها و مخاطرات، نا امنی ها، علم به عواقب احتمالی مالی و جانی هنوز از اعتراض بحقشان دست نکشیده اند و حتّی یک اعلام حضور کوچکشان، وحشت بر سرتاپای سرکوبگران می اندازد و لشگرکشی همه جانبه انتظامی و امنیتی را به دنبال می آورد.ا

و این رسم دولتی نامشروع است که جز به موافقان خود مجوز راهپیمایی نمی دهد با این حال راهی را که شما ملّت بزرگ ایران برگزیده اید مسدود شدنی نیست و شما خلّاقانه نقش آفرینی خود را در این مسیر متجلّی خواهید ساخت و ما نیز در همه حال تا رسیدن صبح روشن فردا در کنار و همراه شما خواهیم بود.ا

والسلام علی من اتبع الهدی

مهدی کروبی و میرحسین موسوی


9 June 2010

Zahra Rahnavard: I hope to give my life for democracy and freedom

English Translation of Zahra Rahnavard's Interview with the Italian News Paper La Repubblica, published yesterday - By Negar Irani

With her floral Turkmen head scarf and jean shirt worn under her black yet lacy chador, Zahra Rahnavard has been quickly transformed into the most recognized and well known woman in Iran during the elections of the past 30 years. Her image, even more than that of her husband's, Mir Hossein Mousavi, the candidate for the presidential elections in Iran, has not only been the focus of attention on numerous occasions both by domestic and foreign media outlets, but also has become a hot discussion topic amongst both her supporters and those who appose her. She has been attacked many times both by her own opponents and by those who appose her husband...

Dr. Zahra Rahnavard, artist, sculptor, and university professor, viewed by many social and political activists as a well known advocate for culture, art and politics was asked whether she was satisfied with the manner in which her husband defended her during last year's presidential debates.

He repeatedly apologized to the Iranian women. In response to attacks by the apposing election candidate on to his wife (Zahra Rahnavard), Mr. Mousavi stated that he views her as the most open minded Iranian woman. Ms. Rahnvard's response to this comment is as follows "Mr. Mousavi's comments were symbolic. He may view me as an example amongst many Iranian women, as he [Mousavi] has a lot of respect for all Iranian women."

When ever someone asks Ms. Rahnavard about her husband Mr. Mousavi, she responds "I am first and foremost Rahnavard and then Mousavi's wife."

Ms Rahnavard how did you and your husband endure the constant pressure of the past few months on your lives? 

This past year the people of Iran have been exposed to all types of pressure and hardship, only for asking the question "where is my vote?". This question could have been answered by the ruling government in a legal and peaceful manner. However, the ruling government chose to respond in a most oppressive manner to such a simple and democratic question, arresting and imprisoning and firing bullets at those who dared to pose such a question. Today the demands of the people of Iran are freedom, democracy, rule of the law and free and fair elections. These demands are much more extensive than those presented during the initial protests. It is therefore only normal that when our people are experiencing such hardship, that I, Mr. Mousavi, Mr. Karroubi, Mr. Khatami and their families also face physical trauma, or numerous shocks and charges.

Almost one year ago, you were certain of victory in the elections. Today, under the current circumstances, how do you feel when you look back at those days? Do you feel a sense of anger, surrender, hope or sadness?

Iran's Green movement seeks prosperity for all Iranians. This when the current ruling government has only lead to further poverty, threatening the fundamental freedom of our people. The past elections were a golden opportunity that was taken away from the people of Iran and this is a real pity.

You and your husband experience constant threats on your lives. Are you not afraid? Do you not feel in any danger? Have you ever thought about leaving your country? 

I have never once pondered leaving Iran. Of course before the revolution in Iran, due to the oppression and political limitations under the Shah's regime I was in the United States and along with my husband was active in organizations such as the Islamic Students of Iran, both in the U.S and in Europe. Today we have been transformed from simple people to well known, effective individuals. Now, much more than in the past, our destiny and future is intertwined with the destiny and future of the nation of Iran. Iran is the place I have selected to live in and to die in. The rest is up to God. With regards to fear, I have never feared any individual or regime in my entire life. I will only fear God when I have not met my responsibilities as a free human being. In comparison to the past, Mousavi is also speaking with courage and much much more daringly. He will never compromise his ideals.

The street protests were much more extensive than predicted and expected by many. Your husband was transformed from a "highly specialized and technical " individual to a beloved and charismatic leader. Was this more than he expected? Did you knowingly submit yourself to the Iranian people's movement?

When it comes to the 10th presidential elections held last year, Mousavi, the nation of Iran and I had many expectations. Everyone was looking for improvements in the country's conditions and fundamental change. Individual freedom, lack of interference in the daily lives of the women and men of our nation, freedom, democracy and the rule of law, were only some of the demands and dreams of our nation. The people's protests and our collaborative action have been based on mutual desires. However, one thing cannot be denied, that the Iranian people have always been ahead of us and leading us towards their ideals. When the ruling government refused to respond to a natural question by the people of Iran such as "where is my vote?", resorting to imprisonment, arrests and bullets, then it was only natural for ordinary individuals to become well known and beloved symbols. Mousavi is only one such individual fortunate to have been embraced by the people of Iran.

Are any discussions currently taking place with the ruling government? Are there any attempts to improve the tension and improve current conditions?

Everyone is open and willing to work on resolving the current tensions and difficulties. Unfortunately the ruling government is only after violence. They only seek to oppress and imprison those who criticize and protest. It seems that they are not interested in solving the problems. I believe that based on their current behavior the ruling government is trying to over throw the Islamic Republic; something that neither I, Mousavi, Karroubi or the people of Iran are after. As such, under these circumstances, there can be no discussions.

I would like to emphasize that the Green movement is a reform seeking and peaceful movement. The 22nd, 25th and 30th of Khordad are three important dates in the Green movement of the people of Iran and the presence of millions in the streets on these days will be good news for the future victory of the movement.

What message would you like to give to the world on behalf of the Green movement? What can the world do to help and what actions should they refrain from?

The Green movement and the demands of the people are completely national, Iranian, people based and internal to Iran. They are not dependent on or associated with any forces outside of Iran. However, the progressive thoughts of the world should naturally be towards protecting the rights of countries and the world wide support of those who seek freedom. Though the public abroad must be careful that their governments support the freedom fighters in Iran in their dealings with the Iranian government, in the end the people of Iran are responsible for their own destiny and resolving their issues.

In the past months there have been many reports of executions, rapes and violence against prisoners. How do you react to these issues? Would you like to express your thoughts regarding these matters? 

I am fundamentally against any form of violence against anyone. In Iran and within the Green movement we have groups such as artists, journalists, human rights activists, student activists, sports personalities and other groups such as teachers, workers, students and women's organizations. In addition, tribes and races with a variety of languages and religions live in Iran, all of which can be used as a good opportunity for Iran and the ruling government in Iran, that is, if they take them all under their wings. National unity can be emphasized and made stronger all while respecting the diversity, cultural, ethnic and linguistic rights of the minority who live in Iran. Only then will we witness no violent acts by any group, or people in Iran. I am against any form of violence, including executions. More importantly, the procedures leading to executions should be reviewed. It is important for me to believe that these executions were necessary and based on legal rights and not politically motivated.

If you were to predict today, how do you think this tug of war will end?

Our nation will be victorious and will reach their ideals. This success is because of the stability, strength and resilience of the people and reflects their knowledge and awareness. The rights of the people will prevail even if it takes time.

A modern world does not tolerate dictatorship and tyranny. The digital world of the internet and information dissemination is a world that demands democracy, freedom and personal expression and Iran is part of this world.

Have you ever thought about giving up?

Never! Why would I ever have such an ominous thought? I have committed myself to God and I am hopeful to shed the last drop of my blood in the cause of freedom and democracy. The rest is in the hands of God.

You are a symbol for many women who have entered the scene. What would you like to say with regards to the role of women in the Green Movement?

The current ruling government has focused on oppressing women over the past year. I experienced this personally for the first time this year. The head of their government attacked me in a television debate with Mousavi, questioning my character; although this behavior only led to him being the laughing stock of the nation. Women have been one of the staunch supporters of the Green movement as such the ruling government has focused on oppressing women. However, this oppression has had no affect on their resolve and they have not backed down.

The demands of the women in Iran are twofold 1) National demands such as freedom, democracy, the rule of the law, freedom of political prisoners, right to individual freedoms 2) Elimination of discrimination and strengthening of cultural rights, women's rights and equal rights under the law.

As I have said repeatedly in the past, democracy is not possible without women and without paying attention to the demands of women.

Have the nuclear issues had any effects on the conditions that occurred after the elections?

The ruling government takes advantage of the nuclear issue. On the surface they make strong statements but in the end they cooperate and seek negotiations with other countries. This is due to their utter lack of legitimacy. Because of their lack of legitimacy inside Iran, on an international level they make concessions towards other countries in order to build legitimacy for themselves. However, when a nation is not in sync with its own government, that government has no prestige anywhere in the world. I am hopeful that the people of Iran will prevail and that we can bring democracy to the people of Iran as soon as possible.

تهیه شده توسط فرانچسکا کافرری با همکاری مصطفی خسروی

دنیای مدرن ، استبداد و دیکتاتوری را بر نمی تابد . دنیای رسانه و اینترنت و دیجیتال و دنیای نظریه ها و اندیشه ها ، خواهان دموکراسی و ازادی ملی و ازادی های فردی است و ایران هم بخشی از این جهان است.

آنچه در زیر می خوانید متن مصاحبه خانم زهرا رهنورد با روزنامه ایتالیایی رپوبلیکا
(La Repubblica) است که روز گذشته منتشر شد:

منبع ترجمه فارسی: ادوار نیوز

زهرا رهنورد با آن روسری گلدار ترکمنی و بلوز جین اش در زیر چادر مشکی اما تور دارش ،خیلی زود تبدیل به مشهورترین زن ایران در همه انتخابات های سی سال گذشته شد.چهره ای که بارها توسط نشریات داخلی و خارجی بیشتر از همسرش میرحسین موسوی کاندیدای ریاست جمهوری ایران مورد توجه قرار گرفت و تبدیل به سوژه داغی برای بحث و جدل میان موافقان و مخالفانش شد.او بارها مورد حمله مخالفان خودش و حتی مخالفان همسرش قرار گرفته است. ..

دکتر زهرا رهنورد ، نقاش و مجسمه ساز و استاد دانشگاه که به اعتقاد بسیاری از فعالان سیاسی و اجتماعی از سالها دور چهره ای مشهور در عرصه فرهنگ ،هنر و سیاست بوده است در بخش پیشین این مصاحبه وقتی در برابر این پرسش قرار گرفت که آیا از دفاع همسرش از او در مناظره انتخاباتی با محمود احمدی نژاد راضی بوده است یا نه؟

بارها از زنان ایرانی پوزش خواست .مهندس موسوی در برابر حمله های تند رقیب انتخاباتی اش در باره همسرش (زهرا رهنورد) او را روشنفکرترین زن ایران لقب داده بود .خانم رهنورد در این باره می گوید :"کلام آقای موسوی یک حرف نمادین بود.شاید مرا نمونه ای از همه زنان ایرانی تلقی کرد.چون او احترام زیادی برای زنان قائل است."
هر وقت کسی از رهنورد در باره همسرش موسوی سوالی می پرسد، پاسخ می دهد: من اول رهنورد هستم سپس همسر موسوی

خانم رهنورد در ماه های گذشته، تحت فشار دائم، بر شما و همسرتان چه گذشت و چگونه اين دوره را زندگی کرديد؟

به مدت یک سال مردم ایران زیر انواع و اقسام فشارها به سر می برند . زیرا فقط پرسیده بودند که رای شان کجاست ؟ این پرسش می توانست از طرف حاکمیت بطور قانونی و مسالمت آمیز پاسخ داده شود . اما حاکمیت فعلی در برابر این سوال ساده و دموکراتیک استبدای ترین رفتار را انجام داد و مردم سوال کننده را دستگیر و زندانی کرد ، به روی آنها اتش اسلحه گشود. امروز مطالبات مردم ایران آزاد ی، دموکراسی ، قانون گرایی و انتخابات آزاد است . این خواسته ها بسیار گسترده تر از اعتراضات اولیه است . پس طبیعی است وقتی مردم ما در چنین شرایط سختی به سر می برند ، من و موسوی و کروبی وآقای خاتمی و خانواده های ما، هر یک زیر ضربات فیزیکی یا اتهامات و شوک هایی متعدد قرار بگیریم .

در يک چنين روزهائی، تقريباً يکسال پيش، اطمينان به پيروزی در انتخابات داشتيد: با نگاه به اين گذشته، چه احساسی نسبت به آن دوران داريد؟ آيا احساس غضب می کنيد؟ احساس تسليم؟ احساس اميد؟ يا احساس اندوه؟

جنبش سبز ایران در پی سعادت و رفاه مردم است . این در حالی است که حاکمیت فعلی روز به روز بیشتر از گذشته موجب فقر و مکنت مردم و تهدید آزادی های اساسی شده است . انتخابات گذشته فرصت بسیار خوبی بود که از مردم ایران گرفته شد و این مایه تاسف است .

شما و همسرتان بصورت دائم در شرائط تحديد بسر می بريد. آيا ترس داريد؟ خود را در خطر حس می کنيد؟ هرگز فکر کرده ايد که کشورتان را ترک کنيد؟

هرگز به ترک ایران نیاندیشیده ام . البته من ، پیش از انقلاب ایران ، به دلیل انسداد سیاسی و سرکوب های رژیم شاه در آمریکا بودم و فعالیت خارج از کشور را به همراه همسرم در آنجا و از طریق فعالیت در انجمن های اسلامی دانشجویان ایران در آمریکا و اروپا پیگیری می کردیم . اما امروز ما از یک فرد ساده به یک افراد شاخص و موثر تبدیل شده ایم . سرنوشت ما بیش از گذشته به ملت ایران و آینده آن گره خورده است . ایران جایی است که من ان را برای زندگی و مرگ خودم انتخاب کرده ام . تا خدا چه بخواهد .اما در مورد ترس : هرگز در زندگی خود از هیچ فرد ویا نظامی نترسیده ام . انگاه که به مسئولیت های خودم به عنوان یک انسان آزادی خواه عمل نکرده باشم من فقط از خدا می ترسم . موسوی هم در مقایسه با گذشته با شجاعت و جرئت بیشتری صحبت وعمل می کند و هرگز از آرمان هایش کوتاه نخواهد آمد .

احتمالاً تظاهرات خيابانی، بيش از آنکه از سوی اغلب اشخاص پيش بينی می شد و انتظار ميرفت، به پيش رفت. همسر شما يک شخص "فنی و متخصص بود"، که به يک رهبر محبوب و پرجذبه تبديل شد... آيا اين پيشروی و پيش رفت بيش از آنی بود که خود ايشان انتظار داشت؟ آيا شما خود را به دست اين جريان در حال حرکت سپرديد و يا آگاهانه انتظارات ملت را دريافتيد؟

در جریان انتخابات دهم ریاست جمهری ایران و در سال گذشته ، هم من و هم موسوی و هم ملت ایران انتظاراتی داشتیم . همه خواهان بهبود اوضاع کشور و تغییرات اساسی بودیم . احترام به آزادی های فردی ، عدم دخالت در زندگی زنان و مردان این سرزمین ، ازادی و دموکراسی و قانون گرایی .این ها بخشی از خواسته ها و آرزوهای ملتمان بود . اعتراضات و کنش مردم و ما بر یکدیگر تاثیر متقابل داشته است . اما این یک واقعیت است که مردم از ما جلوتر هستند و ما را با خود به سوی آرمان های شان می برند . وقتی حاکمیت حاضر نشد به این پرسش طبیعی مردم ایران که " رای من کجاست " ، پاسخ دهد و به جای پاسخ قانونی و مدنی ، زندان و گلوله را به مردم ایران نشان داد ، در این حالت و به طور طبیعی هر مخالف شاخصی می توانست به یک شخصیت مقبول و یا محبوب تبدیل شود . موسوی هم یکی از این شخصیت ها ست که با اقبال مردم روبرو شد .

آيا درحال حاضر گفتگوئی با دولت در جريان است؟ آيا در حال حاضر کوششی برای بازگشودن (گره) و حل شرايط ايجاد شده در جريان است؟

همه مایلند که گره مشکلات فعلی را باز کنند . اما حاکمیت در پی خشونت است . در پی سرکوب و دستگیری مردم و معترضین هستند . گویا نمی خواهند مشکلات را حل کنند . فکر می کنم حاکمیت فعلی با عملکرد بدی که دارد در پی براندازی جمهوری اسلامی است . چیزی که نه مردم و نه کروبی و موسوی و من به دنبال آن هستیم . در نتیجه گفتگویی نمی تواند در جریان باشد .

تاکید می کنم که جنبش سبز یک جنبش اصلاح طلب، نرم و ضد خشونت است .22 ،25 و 30 خرداد سه تاریخ مهم و بزرگ درجنبش سبز مردم ایران است و حضور میلیونی مردم در خیابان دراین روزها بشارت پیروزی این جنبش در اینده بود.

چه پيامی مايليد از سوی جنبش سبز به جهانيان بدهيد؟ جامعه جهانی چه کاری ميتواند انجام دهد و چه عملی را نبايد انجام دهد؟

جنبش سبز و مطالبات مردم کاملا ملی، ایرانی و مردمی و درون جوش است . به هیچ جریان بیرون از ایران وابسته نیست و از آن خط و الهام نمی گیرد. اما افکار مترقی جهان به طور طبیعی باید مدافع حقوق ملت ها باشد و ازادی خواهی را در هر کجای جهان که باشد ، حمایت کند. افکارعمومی جهان باید مواظب باشد که دولت های شان در معامله با دولت ایران، آزادیخواهان ایران را حمایت کنند. اما در نهایت مردم ایران باید خودشان مشکلاتشان را حل کنند .

در ماه های گذشته خبرهای بسيار از اعدام ها، تجاوزها، خشونت ها و به زندان انداختن ها داشتيم. عکس العمل شما در اين موارد چگونه بوده؟ آيا چيزی هست که مايل باشيد در اين زمينه بگوئيد؟

من به طور کلی با خشونت از طرف هرکس که باشد مخالفم . در ایران و در درون جنبش سبز گروه های مرجع مثل هنرمندان ،روزنامه نگاران ،فعالان حقوق بشر ، دانشگاهیان ، ورزشکاران ،و گروه های دیگری مثل جنبش معلمان ، کارگران ، دانشجویان و زنان وجود دارد .

همچنین در اطراف فلات مرکزی ایران اقوام و نژادها با زبان ها و ادیان متفاوت زندگی می کنند که می تواند به یک فرصت خوب برای ایران تبدیل شود . حاکمیت می تواند این ها را به یک فرصت خوب تبدیل کند و همه را زیر بال و پر خود بگیرد و وحدت ملی را در عین تکثر و احترام به حقوق فرهنگ ها و اقلیت های نژادی و زبانی و قومی ، وحدت ملی را تقویت کند . آن وقت خواهیم دید که هیچ حرکت خشنی از سوی هیچ گروه و زبان و مردمی اتفاق نمی افتد . از این رو من با هر نوع خشونت از جمله اعدام مخالفم . اما مهمتر این که روش های دادرسی منجر به اعدام شده است . برای من مهم است و فکر می کنم این اعدام ها ، سیاسی و فاقد وجاهت قانونی لازم و حقوقی بوده است .

اگر امروز بخواهيد پيش بينی ای انجام دهيد، بنظر شما اين زورآزمائی به کجا می کشد و چگونه ختم می شود؟

ملت قطعا پیروز خواهدشد . و به ارمان های خود خواهدرسید . اما این موقعیت مرهون پایداری و مقاومت مردم و هم چنین موجب ارتقاء سطح اطلاعات ، آگاهی و دانایی آنها خواهد بود . نهایتا حق همیشه پیروز است . حتی اگر زمان زیادی لازم داشته باشد .

دنیای مدرن ، استبداد و دیکتاتوری را بر نمی تابد . دنیای رسانه و اینترنت و دیجیتال و دنیای نظریه ها و اندیشه ها ، خواهان دموکراسی و ازادی ملی و ازادی های فردی است و ایران هم بخشی از این جهان است.

آيا هرگز فکر کرده ايد که تسليم شويد و از خيرش بگذريد؟

هرگز! چرا باید چنین فکر شومی به سر من بزند . خودم را به خدا اسپرده ام و امیدوارم تا آخرین قطره خونم را به پای ازادی و دموکراسی بریزم . تا خدا چه بخواهد .

شما سمبل زنانی هستيد که به ميدان آمده اند. چه چيزی مايليد در مورد نقش زنان در جنبش سبز بگوئيد؟

حاکمیت فعلی ایران در این ایام یک سال خیر ، به سرکوب زنان پرداخته و اولین سرکوب را در حق خود من انجام داد . رییس دولت آنها در روند انتخابات در یک مناظره تلویزیونی با موسوی ، حمله را به من شروع کرد و شخصیت علمی و هنری من را زیر سوال برد . اگر چه موجب ریشخند ملت به خودشان شد . زنان به طور جدی از پیش تاران جنبش سبز بوده اند. حاکمیت هم به طور جدی زنان را سرکوب کرده است . اما این سرکوب نقشی در عقب نشینی زنان نداشته است .

زنان ایران همواره در پی تحقق دو دسته مطالبات هستند: 1- مطالبات ملی که تحقق آزادی ، دموکراسی ، قانون گرایی ، آزادی زندانیان سیاسی و آزادی های فردی و شخصی در سطح خصوصی و عمومی و 2- رفع تبعیض و اعاده حیثیت فرهنگی و حقوقی زنان ایران و تنظیم قوانین برابری خواه.

اما من بارها گفته ام تحقق دموکراسی بدون حضور زنان و بدون پاسخ مثبت به مطالبات زنان ممکن نیست .

آيا مسئله هسته ای بر شرائطی که بعد از انتخابات سال گذشته ايجاد گرديده تأثيری داشته و دارد؟

دولت از مسئله هسته ای سوء استفاده می کند . در ظاهر شعارهای تند می دهد و در باطن سازش می کند . و به دنبال معامله با دولت های دیگر است . آن هم به دلیل عدم مشروعیتی که دارد . بنابراین تلاش می کند اگر در ایران نا مشروع است ، در سطح بین المللی با دادن امتیازاتی به دولت های مختلف ، برای خود مشروعیت کسب کند . اما تا ملتی با دولت خود هماهنگ نباشد ، آن دولت در هیچ کجای جهان وجهه ای نخواهد داشت . امیدوارم تحقق ایران پیروز و دموکرات را هر چه زودتر به ملت ایران و جهانیان مژده دهیم.

تهیه شده توسط فرانچسکا کافرری با همکاری مصطفی خسروی

8 June 2010



Source: iranhr.net 

Iran Human Rights, June 8: Five people were executed early today (Tuesday June 8) reported the Iranian government’s newspaper Iran. This is only one day after execution of 13 people in the Ghezel Hesar prison of tehran.

According to the report four of those executed today were convicted of kidnapping and rape while the fifth person was convicted of drug trafficking. Only one man was identified by name. He was Masoud (33 years old) convicted of drug trafficking. Two of the others were identified as "a 33 years old man" and "a 21 years old boy" both convicted of kidnapping and sexual abuse. The other two who were executed today were not identified by name or age, and were convicted of rape.

The report didn’t say where the executions took place, but it is believed that they took place in Tehran.
In the past three days at least 19 people have been executed in Iran. It is believed that the number of the executions will increase as we get closer to the first anniversary of the post-electoral uprisings on June 12.

Iran Human Rights has urged UN and all the countries with economic and diplomatic ties with Iran to do whatever they can to stop the executions in Iran.

حقوق بشر ایران، ۱۸ خرداد ۱۳۸۹: تنها یک روز پس از اعدام ۱۳ نفر در زندان قزل حصار کرج، پنج نفر دیگر صبح امروز سه شنبه ۱۷ خرداد در ایران به دار آویخته شدند.

به گزارش روزنامه دولتی ایران صبح امروزپنج نفر به اتهام آدم‌ربايي و آزار و اذيت و قاچاق مواد مخدر در زندان به دار آویخته شدند. این روزنامه اشارهای به مکاناعدامها نکرد اما گمان میرود که این افراد در یکی از زندانهای تهران اعدام شده باشند.
به گزارش این روزنامه نخستين اعدامي، مرد ۳۳ ساله‌اي بود که به اتهام آدم ربائی و اذیت و آزار یک پسر جوان به اعدام محکوم شده بود. نفر دوم جوان ۲۱ ساله به اتهام ربودن و اذیت و آزار یک دختر ۲۲ ساله با عقب افتادگی ذهنی، نفرهای سوم و چهارم به اتهام اذیت و آزار یک زن و نفر به اعدام محکوم شده بودند. این گزارش توضیح بیشتری در مورد هویت این چهار نفر نداد. نفر پنجم که امروز اعدام شد فردی بود به نام مسعود (۳۳) که به اتهام حمل، نگهداري و در معرض فروش قرار دادن ۸ كيلوگرم هروئين در دادگاه انقلاب محاكمه و به اعدام محكوم شده بود. هیچیک از این اتهامات توسط منابع مستقل تائید نشده اند.

با این پنج نفر تعداد اعدامها در سه روز گذشته به ۱۹ نفر رسید. انتظار میرود که با نزدیک شدن به سالگرد آغاز اعتراض های ضد حکومتی ۲۲ خرداد تعداد اعدامها هام افزایش یابد.

سازمان حقوق بشر ایران روز گذشته از سازمان ملل خواست تا یک گزارشگر ویژه فوری به ایران اعزام کنند. سازمان حقوق بشر ایران همچنین از کشورهائی که با ایران روابط اقتصادی و دیپلماتیک دارند خواست تا در قبال این اعدامها واکنش شدید نشان داده و از تمام توان خود برای جلوگیری از اعدام های بیشتر استفاده کنند.

Green movement in Shiraz: Time and routes for 22 Khordad

The Green Movement in Shiraz announce Time and Routes for 22nd of Khordad (June 12th) Demonstrations

5:30pm MollaSadra Square towards Namazi
6:30pm Daneshjoo Square 
8:00pm Paramount towards Saadi Cinema 

Face book page of Green Movement of Shiraz & 

شیراز در آستانه 22خرداد

ساعت 17:30 چهار راه ملاصدرا به سمت نمازی
مسیر جایگزین ساعت 18:30 میدان دانشجو
مسیر جایگزین آخر ساعت 20 پارامونت به سمت سینما سعدی

Ten reformist parties respond to Ministry of Interior regarding 22 Khordad demonstrations


English translation: Negar Irani

According to Jaras, in a letter to the Ministry of Interior, 10 reformist parties announced that there will be SILENT demonstrations along the entire routes previously assigned for the 22nd of Khordad march. They also stated that the demonstrators will carry Green banners and symbols.

The complete content of the letter is as follows:

In the name of God,

Khordad 18th, 1389 (June 7th, 2010)

To the honorable Ministry of Interior,


In reference to our previous letter requesting a permit for demonstrations on the anniversary of the 10th presidential elections and in accordance with our recent conversation with Mr. Soleymani the head of the Office of Political Parties at the Ministry of Interior, we hereby respond to a number of questions posed of the undersigned parties as follows:

1) As previously announced, the date and routes for the demonstration will be as follows: The demonstration will take place on Saturday Khordad 22nd (June 12th) from 4pm - 8pm. The march will begin at Imam Hossein Square and will continue towards Azadi Square.

2) This will be a SILENT demonstration along the entire aforementioned routes.

3) There will be no speakers or resolutions/statements at the demonstrations

4) All security requirements for the demonstrations will be under the responsibility of the organizing parties and it goes without saying that the undersigned will be responsible for keeping peace and order.

5) This will be a completely peaceful demonstration, with no weapons of any kind and in compliance with national security standards.

6) The security personnel present will be responsible for preventing any type of disturbance by opportunistic individuals who seek to break the law and adversely effect the demonstrations. The undersigned organizers will cooperate fully with the security forces to ensure that such incidents are prevented.

7) The demonstrators will be carrying "GREEN" symbols and banners.

8) The demonstrators will be carrying banners requesting a return to the principles of the Constitution and the right to free and fair elections.

9) If any of the above mentioned provisions require modifications or removal, the representatives introduced in this letter have the authority to make the necessary changes in cooperation with the Ministry of Intelligence.

In closing we request that the permit be issued as soon as possible so that we may begin preparations for the demonstrations. We would like to reiterate that attempts by individuals to carry any type of weapon will violate the security of the demonstrations and as such will be dealt with by the security forces under the provisions of the law.

We hereby assign Mr Abolfazl Ghadyani and Mr. Ali Shokourirad as representatives responsible for the organization and security requirements for the aforementioned demonstration.

Signed by 10 of the Reformist Political Parties.

Source: Jaras http://www.rahesabz.net/story/16960/

منبع: جنبش راه سبز (جرس)ا

10 حزب و گروه اصلاح طلب طی نامه ای به وزارت کشورضمن اعلام مسیر راهپیمایی 22 خرداد، اعلام کردند راهپیمایی در تمام مسیر با سکوت همراه خواهد بود. در این نامه آمده راهپیمایان از پلاکاردهایی با مضمون در خواست اجرای بدون تنازل قانون اساسی و انتخابات آزاد استفاده خواهند کرد.

متن کامل این نامه به شرح زیر است:

باسمه تعالی


وزارت محترم کشور

سلام علیکم

پیرو نامه قبلی مبنی بر درخواست صدور مجوز راهپیمایی در نخستین سالگرد انتخابات دهمین دوره ریاست جمهوری و با عنایت به مذاکره تلفنی جناب آقای سلیمانی _ رئیس اداره احزاب و تشکل های سیاسی وزارت کشور با تعدادی از نمایندگان گروه های امضاکننده در خواست مزبور، بدینوسیله پاسخ موارد در خواستی اعلام می گردد:

1) تاریخ و مسیر برگزاری راهپیمایی : همانطور که قبلاً اعلام شده است از ساعت 16 الی 20 روز شنبه 22 خرداد و مسیر نیز از میدان امام حسین(ع) تا میدان آزادی می باشد.

2) راهپیمایی در تمام مسیر با سکوت همراه خواهد بود.

3) این راهپیمایی سخنران یا قطعنامه نخواهد داشت.

4) انتظامات راهپیمایی بر عهده احزاب برگزار کننده خواهد بود . بدیهی است حفظ امنیت راهپیمایی بر عهده دستگاه های ذیربط می باشد.

5) این راهپیمایی کاملاً مسالمت آمیز ، بدون حمل سلاح و با رعایت موازین امنیت ملی خواهد بود.

6) ممانعت از هر گونه اخلال در برنامه راهپیمایی از سوی افراد فرصت طلب و قانون شکن که قصدشان برهم زدن امنیت است بر عهده دستگاه های انتظامی و امنیتی است و برگزار کنندگان آماده همه گونه هماهنگی با دستگاه های مزبور می باشند.

7) راهپیمایان از رنگ سبز به عنوان نماد استفاده خواهند کرد.

8) راهپیمایان از پلاکاردهایی با مضمون در خواست اجرای بدون تنازل قانون اساسی و انتخابات آزاد استفاده خواهند کرد.

9) چنانچه هر یک از بندهای بالا نیاز به اصلاح یا حذف داشته باشد نمایندگان معرفی شده اختیار تصمیم گیری را با هماهنگی آن وزارت خواهند داشت.

در خاتمه تقاضا دارد نسبت به صدور مجوز در خواستی تسریع گردد تا فرصت تدار ک و هماهنگی شایسته وجود داشته باشد. یادآوری می شود حمل هرگونه سلاح توسط هرکس در این راهپیمایی ، به منزله اخلال در آن می باشد و ماموران انتظامی و امنیتی به حسب وظیفه می بایست با مرتکبین برخورد قانونی و بایسته بعمل آورند.

آقایان ابوالفضل قدیانی و علی شکوری راد به عنوان نماینده تشکل های برگزار کننده راهپیمایی برای هر گونه هماهنگی بعدی معرفی می گردند و به ترتیب مسئولیت اجرایی و انتظامی مراسم را بر عهده خواهند داشت .

** مجمع نمایندگان ادوار

** انجمن اسلامی جامعه پزشکی

** مجمع نیروهای خط امام

** مجمع دانش آموختگان ایران اسلامی

** انجمن روزنامه نگاران زن

** حزب اراده ملت ایران

** حزب همبستگی ایران اسلامی

** سازمان مجاهدین انقلاب اسلامی ایران

** جبهه مشارکت ایران اسلامی

** انجمن اسلامی مدرسین دانشگاهها

Elm O Sanaat University students summoned to disciplinary committee

Elm O Sanaat University Students who attended the event commemorating the one year anniversary of the martyrdom of Kianoosh Asa (2 June), summoned to disciplinary committee.

Tuesday, June 7th, 2010

The Green Students at Elm O Sanaat University - Last week the students at Elm O Sanaat University gathered on June 2nd, to commemorate the first year anniversary of the martyrdom of Kianoosh Asa. As of yesterday and today, the university security forces have begun taking away the student IDs and recording information regarding students who attended these ceremonies, upon their entrance onto campus. Agents from the University's Disciplinary Committee then contacted these students at home requesting that they appear at the Committee for Specific Affairs, in order to pick up their summon papers. In addition, there are unconfirmed reports indicating that 14 female students have been expelled from the women's dormitories.

Source: Face Book Green Students of Elm o Sanaat University

پس از برگزاری مراسم سالگرد شهادت کیانوش آسا،نیروهای حراست دانشگاه علم و صنعت طی دیروز و امروز کارتهای دانشجویی دانشجویان را هنگام ورود به دانشگاه ضبط کزده و مشخصات آن ها را یادداشت کرده اند.مسئولین کمیته ی انضباطی بعد از این کار،با تماس با منزل دانشجویان،از آن ها خواسته اند تا برای گرفتن نامه ی احضاریه،به کمیسیون امور ...خاص مراجعه کنند.همچنین گزارش های تأیید نشده از ممنوع الورد شدن 14 دانشجوی دختر به خوابگاه خبر میدهند

Marina Nemat - Oslo Freedom Forum 2010

Posted on YouTube by OsloFreedomForum 17 May 2010

7 June 2010

Iran, June 2010: Pictures of martyrs on the walls of Tehran


Place of Secularism In The Green Movement

Maryam Mohammadi interviews Reza Alijani

Source: Rahesabz.net

English translaton by @MrZand

Maryam Mohammadi: Green pluralistic reality and the unity of the movement's activists in the fight for political freedom has transformed secularism, the separation of religion and government, into a powerful ideological tool for creating national reconciliation and democratic  gains in Iran. In this interview with Radio Farda (original link is inoperative), Reza Alijani insists on this important fact and the necessity and importance of understanding it.

What is at stake for secularism within the green movement, what is its position and how does it deal with the diverse opinions about it within the movement? 

“The debate about secularism is very conflictual. This debate has been around for the past several years in Iran. Perhaps the word is confusing, but it seems that if we do not look at secularism as an ideology, or secularization which has a broader meaning, but look at it as a process or work in  progress, then its relationship with the movement Green will become clearer.”

So you believe that the green movement should not look at secularism as an ideology. But if we look at it as a process of social change, then would a single interpretation exist for secularism?

“In this process of secularization, if we look at its history and how it is determined by the reality outside of it, and follow the debates surrounding it, then we will see that it has been presented at two different levels:

One is on a macro level and is calling for the absence of any reference to religion in all social areas: In fact, a universal secularism, or even sometimes a fundamentalist one. On a different level it demands the separation of institutions, especially and particularly religion and government institutions, and specifically the separation of clergymen and mosque from the government.

If we reflect back at your question explicitly to the latter level of secularism which at its base demands the separation of religion and state and naturally opposes religious rule of law and political legitimacy of faith or religion, then we can turn to the issue of its relationship with the green movement.”

Does the green movement, which we want to establish its relationship with secularism, have or should have a specific definition for all the diverse opinions?

“There is much confusion about the green movement, but not as much about secularization. The green movement started as a movement to protest the election results but has since transformed into a movement in opposition to the dominant political system.

Of course, I see the Iranian dissidents, those critical of government or ruling factions, as wider than the green movement. For example, a number of people in the smaller cities or other areas, even in agreement with the criticisms and protests of the opposition have not opted to participate in protests for some reason, maybe for personal reasons.

However, if the Green Movement symbolizes- now I do not know how to name it - the Iranian dissidents, then the discussion becomes clearer.”

If the protest movement is broader than the green movement, can we consider the green movement part of the protest movement? Or that the protest movement currently in progress is the same as the green movement?

“Yes, absolutely. I interpreted on the more macro level, I did not use the word ‘movement’: But I talked of Iranian dissidents. Iranian dissidents are much broader than those who first protested against the election results and have come to the streets to oppose the current political system. I mean there are people that are with the green movement in their hearts, but did not come out.

Iranian dissidents are broader than the green movement, but as you mentioned, the green movement is now the symbol of Iranian dissidents.

With this understanding of the green movement, I want to compare its relationship with the discussion about secularism or the secularization process. When we talk about the green movement, we think of a social reality and identity that embodies symbolism and has civic leaders. We can also think of the green movement as its ideals or programs of action or their common demands.”

But the definition you first gave of the green movement, in effect, we want to consider the effect or its position within the green movement.

“In reality, the green movement is a pluralistic movement. It is even more pluralistic if we consider what I call the Iranian dissidents. I do not think any observers or even the activists would deny the diverse plurality within the green movement.

I mean from religious forces, even traditional religious forces who were attracted by Mousavi’s message and have joined in, to the religious reformists, or so called religious new-thinkers, and the non-religious forces are present within the movement. There has been a wide field of operatives active within the movement.

When we go a step further, we see that the body of the green movement is pluralistic, the demands and ideal are also pluralistic. But when we arrive at the question of a common program, in my opinion, this question is put in parentheses.

I want to point to a concrete example that might be illuminating. Before the election, a movement called ‘demand-based approach’ started. The demand-based approach recognized this diversity and the presumption was that it was possible to cooperate on common grounds. In the language of social science methodology, the cooperation was not on the macro level, but within common grounds. On the macro level people can have different ideologies. For action these differences must be put in parentheses.”

So we can summarize: If the essence of the green movement is centered on specific demands and a common program, how can the differences in interpretation of secularism not play a role?

“Yes, based on my personal experience and not as a matter of research or statistics, however, the green movement has had no religious demands. They have not cloaked their wishes in the form of religious discourse and one that wants a religious government to be established. This is a fact.

This fact does not mean that a part of the green movement activists, or even an important part of them are not religious or do not want religious values. As I said, the body of the green movement is pluralistic, but the dominant discourse in the green movement does not want a religious government, the enforcement of Shari’a law or a return to a government in accordance to Shari’a law.

But demands of the green movement can be embedded within each discourse. It means that the demands could be embedded in a discourse that does accept the practice of current constitution and one that does not adhere to the current constitution and does not see any potential within it. Both discourses can move in parallel paths in the context of a demand-based movement.

This duality can also be operative with respect to an ideal outlook. If the ideal outlook is for maximum secularism, part of the green movement thinks along those lines and some don’t. But in the context of a demand-based movement they would also take parallel paths.

On the other hand – the way that I understand - the essence of the green movement, has been a secularist one. This essence is demand-based and wants to transform lifestyles. This transformation of lifestyles may well be contained in different discourses, even a religious discourse, but will not accept to be the dominant discourse itself within the green movement.

How can we understand this better when as a religious intellectual, one who believes that the essence of the green movement is secularist, while maintaining that the talk of secularism, as an ideology, does not and should not have a place within the green movement?

With this interpretation of the claim that this movement is a demand-based movement, essentially the integration of religious and governmental institutions is beyond the scope of the discussion.”

But Mr. Alijani, if the discussion about secularism and secularists exists inside and outside of the green movement, can we arrive at the conclusion, given your definition, that in the present stage there is no confrontation between secularists and non-secularists?

“No. Even if someone claims that the green movement is a reformist movement within the current government, and its activists are religious and their demands are religious as well, I will theoretically argue by correspondence of their argument to reality that they admit that those who came to the streets did not have merely one idea or opinion.

But I would also argue about the case of a project, for example, in a project I might accept the religious interpretation of Ayatollah Montazeri’s defense of human rights, or I might not accept the religious interpretation and provide a religious new-thinker’s interpretation or even someone who can provide a non-religious interpretation.

The problem is not with the departure point; when we talk about a project, we return to a program of action and what are really our demands. We demand free elections, free speech, and free political parties. Some say that these freedoms exist within the current constitution, and there are some who say that they do not.

I say that whether these freedoms exist within a constitutional framework or within religion is a theoretical discussion outside of the green movement.”

13 prisoners were executed in Ghezelhesar prison in Karaj this morning

@perianbanoo on the executions this morning (edited):

The news of 26 prisoners having been moved to quarantine in preparation for execution came out on Sunday. See yesterday’s report from RAHANA.

Today they executed 13, all charged with “drug trafficking”. Reports are the executions took place without the presence of their lawyers (required by law). A number of the people executed today were first time offenders.

Names of some of the executed prisoners:
  • Baghi Amini
  • Sanjar Touztahi
  • Nader Azarnoush
  • Mohamad Jafari
  • Mohamad Azarfam
  • Kazem Tashteki
  • Masoud Amir
  • Abdolhousein Soltanabad
  • Ahmad Shahbakhsh

HRANA reports that 31 people have been executed in Iran in the past 17 days.

HRANA - One person was executed in Esfahan this morning, bringing the total number of people executed today to 14 http://bit.ly/aPOKzk

6 June 2010



Iran Human Rights, June 6: According to reports from Iran, 26 people have been transferred to the quarantine section of Ghesel hesar prison, west of Tehran, and are being prepared for execution. They can be executed within the next 48 hours.

The human rights lawyer Moammad Mostfaei wrote in a letter that this news has been confirmed by some of his clients who are staying in the Ghezel Hesar prison. According to Mr. Mostafaei’s letter these peopel are allegedly convicted of drug related offences. Mr. Mostafaei wrote also names of some of those who are transferred to the quarantine section: Mohammad Jafari, Mohammad Azarfam, Bagher Amini, Soltan Abadi, Mohammad Moradi and Nader Azarnoosh.

Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, the spokesperson of Iran Human Rights, urged UN to send an urgent team of observators immediately to Iran. He said: The Iranian authorities are trying to spread fear in order to prevent new protests on the anniversary of the June 12. presidential elections". He added: " We expect more executions in the coming days and weeks. We ask all the countries with economic and dipolomatic ties with Iran to use all their channels in order to prevent these executions. The world community must not be silent witnesses to the crimes taking place in Iran. The world must react now!"

Source: Iran Human Rights

5 June 2010

Green Student at Mashhad Universities urge participation & announce routes for 22 Khordad protests

Source: Negar Irani

English Translation - Statement by students at various universities in the city of Mashhad urging participation by everyone and announcing the routes for the demonstrations on the June 12th, 2010, 22nd Khordad 1380.

June 5th, 2010 15th Khordad, 1389

According to reports by TahavoleSabz, in a statement, a group of students at various universities in the city of Mashhad, published the suggested routes in Mashhad for the demonstrations commemorating the rigged elections on June 12th, 2010, Khordad 22nd 1389.

The full content of the statement is as follows:

In the name of God,

Salutations to our dear fellow students,

Last year, around this same time, we all had uplifted spirits; full of passion and hope and ready to dedicate ourselves to our Iran. We came together, with a variety of beliefs and opinions, because we had one thing in common, to work together with the goal to at minimum improve our situation and strive for a little more freedom. This is was what brought all those families who had never voted before to the voting booths last year; but alas what did we witness the day after the election, but injustice, the trampling of our rights and utter disregard for our vote and our choice?

Today I say to you my classmates, my peers at the university, my fellow citizens and compatriots, in this past year, if you have not witnessed what I witnessed, if you did not hear what I heard, if you did not feel the agony of losing Neda, Sohrab, Taraneh and all our other martyred compatriots, then we have nothing left to say you and I and I leave you to the silence of your conscience.

If on the other hand, you place even an ounce of value for the blood that was shed so that you, me and our children can someday enjoy the benefits of freedom; if you feel the pain of tears in your throat as I do; if you ponder just for a moment how unjust it is for our fellow students to be deprived of their studies, then the time has come for us to stand together again this June 12th, 22 Khordad.

Do not allow fear to overcome you. Have you not heard and seen that we are countless? Reject this fear as this will be the day that the foundations of oppression will finally crumble and a window will be opened towards a free tomorrow.

My dear friends I will be waiting for you.... don't abandon me....

Our rendezvous this June 12th, 22nd of Khordad the university campuses in Mashhad city

Azad University Mashhad - 11:30am between the Engineering & Humanities Faculty
Ferdowsi University- 11:30am in front of the Engineering Faculty
Khayyam University - 11:30am in front of Self
Sajaad University - 11:30am in the university gardens


Long Live a free and proud Iran
Long live the Green Movement
May our noble and dear Iran be free some day

Signed in collaboration by:

The Green Student Movement of Mashhad
The Green Movement at Azad University Mashhad
The Green Students of Khayyam and Saajad Universities

بیانیه تظاهرات ۲۲ خرداد دانشجویان دانشگاههای مشهد
۱۵ خرداد ۱۳۸۹

تحول سبز: گروهی از دانشجویان دانشگاههای مختلف شهر مشهد با صدور بیانیه ای محل های مورد نظر خود برای تجمع روز ۲۲ خرداد در دانشگاههای این شهر را اعلام کرد.

به گزارش تحول سبز،متن کامل این بیانیه بدین شرح است :

به نام خدا

دانشجوی عزیز سلام

سال پیش در همین روزها حال و هوای تازه ای بین ما بود ، سرشار از شور برای تعالی بخشیدن ایرانمان
با تمام عقیده های گوناگون بسیاری از ما بر این عقیده شدیم که برای حداقل بهتر شدن اوضاعمان ، برای کمی آزادی بیشتر همه با هم پای صندوق رای برویم و اینطور شد که تمامی اعضای یک خانواده که تاکنون هیچ دوره ای رای نداده بودند پای صندوق رفتند ، اما آه از بعد آن روز ، آه از ظلم در حق مان ، ظلم بدین آشکاری بر انتخابمان.

امروز میخواهم این سخن با تو بگویم : هم کلاسی ، هم دانشگاهی ، همشهری ، ای هموطن اگر در این یکسالی که گذشت آنچه من دیدم تو ندیدی ،آنچه من شنیدم تو نشنیدی ، آن غمی که از پرپر شدن ندای عزیزم ، سهراب ، ترانهو بقیه هموطنان شهیدمان بر من رفت بر تو نرفت ، مرا با تو کاری نیست جز آنکه به وجدانت بسپارمت ؛

اما اگر ذره ای برای خونهایی که ریخته شد تا من وتو و فرداها فرزندانمان از میراث آزادی بهره مند شوند ، ارزش قائلی ؛ اگر بغض گرفته در گلو داری ؛ اگر اندکی به جای خالی دوستانت که از تحصیل محروم شدند فقط به خاطر طلب کردن حق شان ، می اندیشی ؛ وقت آن فرارسیده تا ۲۲ خرداد در کنار هم باشیم.
ترس به خود راه نده ، مگر ندیدی و نشنیدی که ما یشماریم

ترس به خود راه نده که این روز، روز ریزش پایه های دیکتاتوری و استبداد است و پنجره ای باز به سوی فردایی آزاد

دوست عزیز منتظرت هستم ؛ مرا تنها مگزار

وعده ما ۲۲ خرداد دانشگاههای مشهد

دانشگاه آزاد مشهد : بین دانشکده فنی و انسانی ساعت ۱۱:۳۰
دانشگاه فردوسی : روبروی دانشکده مهندسی ساعت ۱۱:۳۰
دانشگاه خیام : روبروی سلف ساعت ۱۱:۳۰
دانشگاه سجاد : صحن حیاط دانشگاه ساعت ۱۱:۳۰

دوستان اطلاع رسانی نمایید

زنده باد ایرانی غیور و آزاده
زنده باد جنبش سبز
آزاد باد ایران پاک و عزیزمان

با همکاری مشترک :
نهضت سبز دانشجویان مشهد
جنبش سبز دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی مشهد
و دانشجویان سبز دانشگاه های خیام و سجاد

1 June 2010

Greens in Esfehan announce plans for 22 Khordad (12 June)

The Green in the city of Esfehan announce the time and location for the 22nd of Khordad protests. 
Time: 6:00pm 
Location: Si-o-Se Bridge, Azar Bridge and Ferdowsi Bridge. 
Please inform.... You are the Media....

(via Negar Irani)

زمان و مکان تظاهرات روز 22 خرداد در اصفهان

با درود بر تمامی عزیزان و حامیان سبز همچنین مردم خوب اصفهان

بدون هیچ مقدمه زمان و مکانهای در نظر شده را اعلام و سپس به نوع عملکرد و راهکارها می پردازیم.
زمان تعیین شده برای 22 خرداد 6 بعدازظهر خواهد بود که از همه عزیزان خواهشمند هستیم که به زمان توجه 
بسیاری داشته باشند که زمان سنجی یک برتری برای ما محسوب می شود.

مکان های در نظر گرفته شده: سی و سه پل، پل آذر و پل فردوسی می باشد.
توضیحات: ممکن است بعضیأ تعدادی این سوال را داشته باشند نوع عملکرد به چه صورتی خواهد بود، ما تصمیم بر یک تظاهرات پراکنده اما در عین حال متمرکز داریم بنابراین امتداد زاینده رود یک مکان مرکزی و پلهای بر روی زاینده رود مکانهای تعیین شده و پراکنده ما می باشد که کنترل را برای نیروهای حکومتی مشکل خواهد کرد. توجه داشته باشید که باید تمامی سعی خود را انجام دهیم و تظاهرات را در یک سوی رودخانه انجام دهیم که سمت در نظر گرفته شده به طرف چهارباغ بالا می باشد. تاکید می کنیم چهارباغ بالا
نوع ایجاد توده ها بر سر هر پل یا امتداد زاینده رود باید به گونه باشد که نیروهای سرکوب گر را به این سو آن سو کشاند که کنترل را به دست خود گیریم. ایجاد تراکم جمعین به دون شعار می تواند مرکز تجمع را به دیگران نشان دهد که کاری بسیار موثر برای هدایت جمعیت خواهد بود. 
از همه عزیزان خواستار اطلاع رسانی هستیم چرا که تنها رسانه شمائید // ما بیشماریم

22 خرداد، 6 بعدازظهر ، سی و سه پل / پل آذر / پل فردوسی

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