7 July 2010

Iran’s ambassador to Norway had a bad day at work

 On Monday, 5 July, Iran’s ambassador to Norway, Seyed Hossein Rezvani, was summoned to the Foreign Ministry to receive a formal diplomatic condemnation of death sentences in Iran, in particular the case against Sakineh Ashtiani. On his way he was met by journalists and photographers.

He quite obviously did not like this, and in a comment to Dagbladet complains about the way he was treated. In the usual style we have got accustomed to from IRI officials, he tries to come across as the real victim and accuses everyone else of lies and disinformation.

Sakineh Ashtiani has been sentenced to death by stoning for alleged adultery, but ambassador Rezvani told Dagbladet that the case against her had not been decided yet, and denied that she will be stoned. He also claimed that stoning is no longer a practice used in Iran.

Other comments from Rezvani according to Dagbladet:

- State Secretary Espen Barth Eide did not have enough information about the case, so I had to update him.

- This is unacceptable. Especially since the matter is not settled, any criticism is premature.

- The legal process is still running, and any comment about her case will be to interfere in the independence of the judicial system in Iran.

- Norway shows a double morale. This is part of a political campaign to put pressure on Iran. It's an excuse to launch a political campaign against Iran.

- It would be better to discuss the topic in a meeting, or possibly via a simple phone call.

- It is unfortunate that it should go so far that I would be called to the Foreign Ministry.

- I asked Barth Eide if he would protect human rights rather than to launch political campaigns.

It sure is tough to be Iran’s ambassador these days. And if this wasn't enough the TV news continued torturing him till late in the night by setting this case up as number one.

Good job from Norway’s Foreign Ministry. Keep it up!

1 comment:

  1. Stoning

    kill by stoning
    rebellions throwing cobblestones. No
    convicted to be killed

    Cut the rope I

    cut the rope from
    the neck of the convicted
    and bind the judge

    Cut the rope II

    put the judges to court
    and give them a fair trial
    for their death sentences

    Cut the rope III

    life is sacred
    no one may steal the right
    to breathe freely
