14 August 2009

Friday Prayer on Twitter!

A relatively new twittrer, @Pray4Iran, tweeted an alternative Friday Prayer sermon for #iranelection followers at 12 AM Tehran time today. The whole sermon is published on the Pray For Iran blog which has been visited frequently throughout the day by twittrers who missed it.

The completely non-denominational, sermon was obviously a huge success, and may have had more followers than the "real" Friday Prayer sermon in Tehran, which according to some inside sources gathered only about 200.

Some quotes:

In the interest of unity among all of these religions, I will assume that we all pray to a universal source of positive energy. I will call this energy *. You can call it God, Allah, The Universe, The Creator, Yin, Bob, Jehova, whatever you like…* doesn’t care, neither do we.

Give strength and resolve to our brothers and sisters in Iran. Let them hear and be guided by your unspoken word. Heal their wounds for they are numerous. Ease their pain for it is great. Bring comfort to those that are missing their loved ones, for it is an extremely heavy burden to bear. Bring light to the hearts of those that are imprisoned, let them hold fast to each other, knowing that they are not alone in this very dark time.

*, smile upon the lives and hearts of those that give selflessly to spread hope worldwide on the internet. They have taught many people to use their own skills toward making the world a better place.

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