16 August 2009

Breaking Down the Youth of Iran

Fath-ol-mobin, Codename for Rape Operations in Iran's Prisons

From the blog For a democratic secular Iran

From a shocking interview with Babak Daad about what is going on in Iran's prisons and how the lackeys of the coup d'etat are ordered to break down the youth of Iran:

"I saw an 18 year old boy, whose father described him as a piece of flesh with no soul […]

What they were doing at Kahrizak, was they would choose the spirited detainees who were resisting them and by raping them they wanted to break them from pursuing justice and freedom, they wanted to break them so bad that these youngsters would become depressed and even hate themselves. […]

A young 18 year old boy purely because he took part in the peaceful silent march on 15th June and wore a green wrist band is attacked, arrested and suffers two weeks of ongoing sexual rape in Kahrizak and is then taken to another prison where he is allowed to slightly recover before he is handed back to his father, I am sorry I have to mention these things but its no longer appropriate to remain silent, he suffers severe rectal and colon laceration, his infection was so bad that they couldn't keep him any longer, this 18 year old was also forced to witness other detainees being raped, he could hear a law enforcement officer, [whom we can identify and hopefully one day bring him to trial] shout 'take these lot and make them pregnant, so they know whats what' […]"

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