31 January 2010

List of 63 political prisoners in danger of execution

هشدار!!!، اسامی ۶۳ تن از زندانیان سیاسی در خطر اعدام

Source: Negar Irani on Facebook

English Translation
(For Original Farsi Text Please Scroll Down)

According to the International Committee Against Executions, 63 political prisoners in Iran are in eminent danger of being executed!! This list includes 28 people from Kordestan, 12 people from Sistan & Balouchestan, 12 people from Ahvaz and 11 people from Tehran.

The International Committee Against Executions kindly asks families of political prisoners and all those who have additional information on political prisoners sentenced to death to forward the information to them so that this list can be completed.

All Human rights organizations, institutions and political parties around the world are asked to protest against these executions and to do everything in their power to stop executions by the Islamic Republic.

The names of the political prisoners sentenced to death is as follows:

1. Ali Sameri
2. Ayoub Porkar
3. Ahmad Karimi
4. Nasser Abdolhosseini
5. Reza Khademi
6. Amir Reza Arefi
7. Ali Reza Karami Kheyrabadi
8. Khaled Hardani
9. Saeed Shahgholei
10. Abbas Deldar
11. Farhad Vakili

List of names in Kordestan 

12- Zeynab Jallalian
13- Habibollah Latifi
14- Shirkou Moarefi
15- Farhad Vakili
16-Farzad Kamangar
17- Ali Heydaran
18- Hossein Khazri
19- Rashid Akhkondi
20- Mohammad Amin Agooshi
21- Ahmad Pouladkhani
22- Saeed Samihosseini
23-Saeed Jamal Mohammadi
24- Rostam Arkyia
25- Mostafa Soleymi
26- Anvar Rostami
27- Hossein Talayi
28- Iraj Mohammadi
29- Mohammad Amin Adbolelahi
30- Ghader Mohammad Zadeh
31- Shirin Elmhoui
32- Adnan Hassanpour
33- Heyva Boutimar
34- Ramzan Ahmad (Oroumieh prison)
35- Farhad Chalesh
36- Sarhad Chalesh
37- Saeed Ramzan
38- Hoshtar Ghaderi
39- Jahangir Badouzadeh

From Sistan and Balouchestan 

40- Abadolrahman Narouyi
41- Abed Gehramzehi
42- Abadoljalil Rigi
43- Nasser Shahbakhsh
44- Mahmoud Rigi
45- Ali Saadati
46- Valeed Neysi
47- Mahed Fardapour
48- Dayeer Mahavi
49- Maher Mahavi
50- Ahmad Saaedi
51- Yousef Loftehpour

From Ahvaz 

52- Avdeh Afravi
53- Ali Reza Salmandelfi
54- Ali Halfi
55- Mosalam Alhayi
56- Abadolreza Navaseri
57- Yahya Nasseri
58- Abadoliman Zaeri
59- Nazem Barihi
60- Abadolreza Halichi
61- Zemal Bavi
62- Risan Savari
63- Leyla Kaabi

International Committee Against Executions
January 28 2010

بر اساس گزارش کمیته بین المللی علیه اعدام ، ۶۳ زندانی سیاسی در ایران در خطر اعدام قرار دارند. این لیست شامل ۲۸ نفر از کردستان، ۱۲ نفر از سیستان و بلوچستان، ۱۲ نفر اهواز و ۱۱ نفر تهران میباشند.

کمیته بین المللی علیه اعدام ضمن انتشار این لیست از همه مردم و خانواده زندانیان سیاسی میخواهد که هر گونه اطلاعات تکمیلی از جزئیات زندانیان سیاسی محکوم به اعدام دارند را برای آنها ارسال کنند.

این گزارش همچنین تمام ارگان ها نهادها احزاب و سازمان های سیاسی و حقوق بشری در سراسر دنیا را فرا میخواند که قاطعانه علیه این اعدام ها در ایران اعتراض کرده و به هر طریق ممکن مانع اجرای این اعدامها توسط جمهوری اسلامی شوند.

اسامی زندانیان سیاسی محکوم به اعدام به قرار زیر است

۱- علی صارمی، ۲- ایوب پرکار،
۳- احمد کریمی، ۴- ناصر عبدالحسینی، ۵- رضا خادمی،
۶- امير رضا عارفي ۷- علیرضا کرمی خیر آبادی، ۸- خالد حردانی،
۹- سعید شاه قلعه ای، ۱۰- عباس دلدار؛ ۱۱- فرهاد وکیلی،

از کردستان
۱۲- زینب جلالیان، ۱۳- حبیب الله لطیفی،
۱۴- شیرکو معارفی، ۱۵- فرهاد وکیلی، ۱۶- فرزاد کمانگر،
۱۷- علی حیدریان، ۱۸- حسین خضری، ۱۹- رشید آخکندی،
۲۰- محمد امین آگوشی، ۲۱- احمد پولاد خانی، ۲۲- سید سامی حسینی،
۲۳- سید جمال محمدی، ۲۴- رستم ارکیا، ۲۵- مصطفی سلیمی،
۲۶- انور رستمی، ۲۷- حسن تالعی ۲۸- ایرج محمدی،
۲۹- محمد امین عبدالهی ۳۰- قادر محمد زاده، ۳۱- شیرین علم هوی،
۳۲- عدنان حسن پور، ۳۳- هيوا بوتيمار، ۳۴- رمضان احمد (اهل کردستان سوریه، زندان ارومیه)
۳۵- فرهاد چالش، ۳۶- سرهد چالش٬ (فعال سیاسی اهل کردستان ترکیه، زندان زنجان) ۳۷- سعید رمضان٬ (فعال سیاسی اهل کردستان سوریه، زندان قزوین)
۳۸- هژار قادری، ۳۹- جهانگیر بادوزاده

از سیستان و بلوچستان

۴۰- عبدالرحمان ناروئی، ۴۱- عابد گهرام زهی، ۴۲- عبدالجلیل ریگی،
۴۳- ناصر شه بخش، ۴۴- محمود ریگی ۴۵- علی ساعدی،
۴۶- ولید نیسی، ۴۷- ماحد فرادی پور، ۴۸- دعیر مهاوی،
۴۹- ماهر مهاوی، ۵۰- احمد ساعدی، ۵۱- یوسف لفته پور

از اهواز

۵۲- اوده افراوی، ۵۳- علی رضا سلمان دلفی،
۵۴- علی حلفی ، ۵۵- مسلم الحایی، ۵۶- عبدالرضا نواسری،
۵۷- یحیی ناصری، ۵۸- عبدالایمان زائری، ۵۹- ناظم بریحی،
۶۰- عبدالرضا هلیچی، ۶۱- زمال باوی، ۶۲- ریسان سواری،
۶۳- لیلا کعبی،

کمیته بین المللی علیه اعدام
۲۸ ژانویه ۲۰۱۰
آدرس تماس


تلفن های تماس با ما:
فرشاد حسینی: ۰۰۳۱۶۸۱۲۸۵۱۸۴
مینا احدی: ۰۰۴۹۱۷۷۵۶۹۲۴۱۳

فیس بوک اتحاد جمهوریخواهان ایران
پنجشنبه ۸ بهمن ۱۳۸۸ - ۲۸ ژانويه ۲۰۱۰

23 January 2010

Events planned for 12–22 Bahman 1388

@royasmusic: List of events events planned #12bahman - #22bahman #iranelection #iran PLZ RT!
  • Mon 12 Bahman (Feb 1) : Green strike for one day - Call with graphic, slogan writers and bloggers bill green, civil disobedience.
  • Tues 13 Bahman (Feb 2) : TBA
  • Wed 14 Bahman (Feb 3): Green derby in Azadi stadium & flying several hundred thousand Green balloons in this stadium and possibly in other cities
  • Thurs 15 Bahman (Feb 4): Silent gathering in front of Evin prison from 3-5pm to support the Green detainees
  • Fri 16 Bahman (Feb 5): 40th day anniversary of #Ashura deaths. Visit graves of Green martyrs starting around noon
  • Sat 17 Bahman (Feb 6): Join mourning mothers in Laleh park around 6-7 pm
  • Sun 18 Bahman (Feb 7): TBA
  • Mon 19 Bahman (Feb 8): TBA
  • Tues 20 Bahman (Feb 9): TBA
  • Wed 21 Bahman (Feb 10): Loudest nightly chants ever
  • Thurs 22 Bahman (Feb 11): Anniversary of the 1979 Revolution. Day of victory for the Green Nation of Iran. Time & place to be determined.

دوشنبه 12 بهمن : اعتصاب نمادین یکروزه سبزجدید لطفا دوستان در این مورد توضیح بدن
سه شنبه 13 بهمن
چهارشنبه 14 بهمن : دربی سبز در استادیوم آزادی و به هوا فرستادن صدها هزار بادکنک سبز در استادیوم و شاید در تمام شهرهای ایران
پنجشنبه 15 بهمن : حمایت از اسرای سبز، تجمع سکوت مقابل اوین ساعت ۳-۵ بعد از ظهر
جمعه 16 بهمن : چهلم شهدای عاشورا و رفتن بر سر مزار شهدای جنبش سبز حدود ساعت 12
شنبه 17 بهمن : همراهی با مادران عزا دار در پارک لاله ساعت 6 یا 7
یکشنبه 18 بهمن
دوشنبه 19 بهمن
سه شنبه 20 بهمن
چهارشنبه 21 بهمن : بلندترین و رساترین شعارهای شبانه خود را به گوش کودتاچیان می رسانیم
پنجشنبه 22 بهمن : روز پیروزی ملت سبز ایران در مورد زمان و مکان باید به توافق برسیم

Source @Manic77 & Trans by @nchevre: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/3v8uv

Mohammad Reza Heydari interviewed by BBC Persian

The diplomat who resigned from his post as Consul general at the Iranian Embassy in Oslo because of the atrocities committed by the Iranian regime on Ashura day, interviewed by BBC Persian.

No English subtitles.

Documentary on Ashura 1388 (27 Dec 2009)

Video compilation documenting the atrocities committed by the Iranian regime on Ashura day 1388 (27 Dec 2009), by @onlymehdi, Mehdi Saharkhiz.

Graphic content!

22 January 2010

List of people arrested on Tasoa and Ashura

#iranelection (Via @manic77) - English translation by @nchevre on Twitlonger

New list of names of 228* people arrested on Tasoa & Ashura known to date, including list of some people arrested on 16 Azar
لیست جدیدی از اسامی ۲۰۵ تن از بازداشت شده ها ی روز تاسوعا و عاشورا و اسامی تعدادی از بازداشتی های روز دانشجو (۱۶ آذر)ه 

Original post in English & Farsi
*This post says it’s 229 names, but the list has no number 51. 
  1. Rasoul Alizadeh 29 yrs old arrested on Ashura around Imam Hossein Sq, transferred to Evin 
  2. Shahin Jalilvand 30 yrs old BA in construction, arrested on Ashura at Kalej, transferred to Evin 

  3. Saeed Saeed Sajedi 26 yrs old, arrested on Ashura, transferred to ward 240 at Evin 

  4. Alireza Hejat 25 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Satarkhan, transferred to Evin 

  5. Farbod Yousefi 31 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Choobi bridge, transferred to Evin 

  6. Kamran Mohammadi 24 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr, transferred to ward 305 at Evin 
  7. Hossein Zargarabadi, 39 yrs old arrested on Ashura, transferred to ward 240 at Evin 

  8. Kourosh Ethari, 27 yrs old arrested on Ashura, transferred to Evin 

  9. Marzieh Amani, 26 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Imam Hossein Sq, transferred to Motaden ward 
  10. Dariush Kamkari, 30 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr, transferred to ward 240 at Evin 

  11. Mohamad Firoozi, 23 yrs old arrested at Kalej, transferred to Evin 

  12. Alireza Yahrmohammadi 33 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Keshavarz Blvd, first transferred to Evin & later taken to Gohardasht without informing his family 

  13. Hossein Zajkani 28 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Ferdowsi, transferred to Evin 

  14. Mohammad Reza Rahimian, 47 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej, transferred to Evin 

  15. Farzad Yahyavi Ardakani 28 yrs old arrested on Ashura by plain clothes at Nesrat St. transferred to Evin 

  16. Seyed Mohsen Tabatabai 19 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej, transferred to Evin 

  17. Sadegh Asgari Moghadam 29 yrs old arrested on Tasoa near Imam Hossein sq, transferred to Evin 
  18. Jamshid Gorji 28 arrested on Ashura near Imam Hossein Sq. transferred to ward 240 at Evin 
  19. Reza Hosseini 30 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azadi Shadman, transferred 1st to Evin & then to Gohardasht 

  20. Omid Nouri, 24 yrs old arrested on Ashura, transferred to Evin
  21. Moein Melkpour 20 yrs old arrested on Ashura, transferred to ward 240 at Evin 
  22. Homayoon Hashemizand 24 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Imam Hossein sq, transferred to ward 209 at Evin 

  23. Amir Hossein Ghanbari 29 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Enghelab, transferred to Evin 
  24. Mehdi Mehdipour 25 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azarbayjan, transferred to ward 350 at Evin 

  25. Sadegh Maasoompour 32 arrested on Ashura, transferred 1st to Evin and then to Gohardasht 

  26. Ehsan Nikmanesh 27 arrested on Ashura at Azadi, near Navab, transferred to Evin 

  27. Nader Sabouri 28 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr, transferred to Evin 
  28. Ali Sepehr 37 yrs old arrested on Ashura, transferred to Evin 

  29. Fatemeh Mohammadzadeh 26 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Imam Hossein, transferred to Motaden ward 
  30. Elahe Malekizad 27 yrs old arrested on Ashura around Vali Asr Sq and taken to Motaden ward. Elahe suffers from severe asthma. Her family visited Evin daily to take her medicine and until last week, the guards refused to accept any of the sprays or medicines! 

  31. Leyla Ameli 30 yrs old with 2 yr old child arrested on Ashura by plain clothes at Enghelab and transferred to Evin 
  32. Akram Hamidi 24 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Ferdowsi and transferred to Motaden ward 

  33. Alireza Amir Fazli 32 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej, transferred to ward 240 at Evin 

  34. Hamid Mohamadzadeh 28 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azadi Shadman - his family was told that he has been transferred to ward 240 at Evin- he is being kept in a very cold basement 

  35. Farhad Pirnahan 23 yrs old arrested on Ashura around Ferdowsi, even though he was bleeding from the nose around, transferred to Evin 

  36. Hamed Askari 36 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Behboodi and transferred to ward 240 at Evin 

  37. Ehsan Sabet 25 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Imam Hossein, transferred to Evin, when contacting his family on Wednesday he stated that he may be transferred to a new location, since then his family has no information and are very worried. 

  38. Roya Yadollahi Fazavi 33 yrs old arrested on Ashura transferred to female ward at Evin 

  39. Hossein Motevalian 28 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr, was at Evin until last week and contacted his family every night - Since Thursday there has been no contact with his family- They believe he has been transferred to a different location. 
  40. Shahab Shaheenzadeh 30 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Enghelab and transferred to Evin 

  41. Pedram Mehdi 22 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azarbayjan, Eskandari transferred to ward 350 at Evin 
  42. Mohsen Zolfaghari 41 yrs old, 2 kids, arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr, transferred to Evin 

  43. Bahareh Koshtkar 28 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Ferdowsi, transferred to Motaden ward 
  44. Ahmad Mohammadali 24 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Imam Hossein, transferred to Evin 

  45. Nasser Torkashvand 30 yrs old arrested on Ashura, transferred 1st to Evin and then to Gohardasht 
  46. Amir Kamali 26 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Enghelab, transferred to Evin 

  47. Soroush Nazeri 22 yrs old arrested on Ashura, transferred to Evin 

  48. Jamshid Khajenouri 35 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azadi, transferred to Evin 
  49. Mohamad Ali Daneshfar 29 yrs old arrested on Ashura, transferred 1st to Evin then to Gohardasht 
  50. Mahshid Kafashian 26 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Ferdowsi, transferred to Evin 

  51. Arash Shahbazi 21 yrs old arrested on Ashura by plain clothes, transferred to Evin 

  52. Sina Safarizadeh 28 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Imam Hossein, location unknown 

  53. Negar Mofidi 27 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej, transferred to Evin 

  54. Mohsen Tahmasbi 31 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Imam Hossein, location unknown 

  55. Faeze Ghafouri Tabrizi 30 yrs old arrested on Tasoa near Ferdowsi, transferred to Evin 
  56. Ashkan Fat-h-Ali 37 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azadi, transferred to Evin 
  57. Mohamad Hassanzadeh 24 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr, said to have been taken to Evin 
  58. Maheen Mohseni 42 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej, transferred to Evin 
  59. Amir Tehrani 25 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Enghelab, transferred to Evin 

  60. Bijan Ferasati Sabet 30 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Enghelab, said to have been taken to Evin 

  61. Alireza Farhangdoost 29 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Imam Hossein, transferred to Evin 

  62. Ibrahim Ahmadvand 26 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azarbayjan, transferred to Evin 

  63. Karim Ghasemkhani 32 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Shadman, said to have been taken to Evin 

  64. Bahram Nouri 22 yrs old arrested on Tasoa, near Imam Hossein, transferred to Evin 

  65. Moein Mardani 25 yrs old arrested on Ashura near Enghelab, transferred to Evin 

  66. Hamed Neekrou 30 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej taken, said to have been taken to Evin 
  67. Jamshid Mokhtari 28 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr Sq, transferred to Evin 

  68. Mohamad Movabed 26 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Ferdowsi, transferred to Evin 

  69. Ali Akbar Ketabi 20 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Enghelab, transferred to Evin 

  70. Fareed Milani 27 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Shadman, transferred to Evin 

  71. Ehsan Mostoufi 33 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej, said to have been taken to Evin 
  72. Ali Farzaneh 28 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr, transferred to Evin 
  73. Jafar Rezazadeh Ardebili 32 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azadi Navab, location unknown 

  74. Mohsen Khoshnood 22 yrs old, arretsed on Ashura at Eskandari, transferred to Evin 

  75. Sohrab Efshari Moghadam 28 yrs old arrested at Jamaran ceremony, transferred to Evin 

  76. Amir Mohamad Vosoughi 30 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Ferdowsi, transferred to Evin 

  77. Alireza Fallahtafti 29 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azarbayjan, location unknown 
  78. Mohsen Karimi 22 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr Sq, transferred to Evin 

  79. Sassan Borzgari 31 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr, transferred to Evin 

  80. Bahram Mousivand 27 yrs old Staff Sergeant Air Force 

  81. Mahsa Yadollahi Razavi 24 yrs old arrested at Hafez bridge 

  82. Rojan Nourian 31 yrs old arrested at Vali Asr Sq 

  83. Ashkan Saeedi 24 yrs old arrested at Vali Asr Sq 

  84. Majid Pourabed 29 yrs old arrested at Imam Hossein Sq on Tasoa 

  85. Seyed Ali Reza Hosseini 25 yrs old attacked and arrested at Enghelab where 2 plain clothes dragged him on the asphalt and placed him in a security forces van. 

  86. Amir Amir Entezami 30 yrs old arrested at Hafez 

  87. Hamed Asgharpour 22 yrs old arrested at Imam Hossein 

  88. Mohsen Hakimi 30 years old , place arrested and place taken unknown 

  89. Arin Nezam Abadi 23 yrs old arrested at Tohid 

  90. Ahmad Reza Ghasempour Najafabadi 28 yrs old arrested at Vali Asr Sq 
  91. Aref Nasseri 21 yrs old arrested at Keshavarz Blvd 

  92. Ali Zolanvar 36 yrs old arrested at Azadi Sq 

  93. Farshid Karimi 27 yrs old arrested at Azarbayjan 
  94. Mehdi Vaezi 24 yrs old, location arrested and taken unknown 
  95. Mostafa Arab 32 yrs old arrested at Vali Asr Sq 

  96. Kamal Heydardoost arrested at Ferdowsi 

  97. Mostafa Shahnazar 24 yrs old location arrested and taken unknown 

  98. Ali Misagh 28 yrs old arrested at Imam Hossein 
  99. Milad Movazanzadeh 26 yrs old arrested at Imam Hossein 
  100. Pejman Dorostkar Ardakani 28 yrs old arrested at Vali Asr Sq 

  101. Sharif Najafzadeh 35 yrs old arrested at Azadi 
  102. Iraj Manouchehri 30 yrs old location arrested and taken unknown 

  103. Hassan Nematzadeh 26 yrs old arrested at Enghelab 

  104. Mohamad Ayouzi 28 yrs old arrested at Azarbayjan 

  105. Hamid Reza Bakhtiari 29 yrs old location arrested and taken unknown 

  106. Morteza Bolourchi 22 yrs old arrested at Keshavarz Blvd 

  107. Bahram Radpour 24 yrs old arrested at Azadi Shadman 

  108. Soroush Ehteshami Asl 31 yrs old arrested at Azarbayjan 

  109. Keyvan Faatouhi 26 yrs old arrested at Enghelab Sq 

  110. Yousef Azizi 21 yrs old arrested at Ferdowsi 
  111. Omid Mohamadpour 25 yrs old location arrested and taken unknown 
  112. Morteza Meysafi 30 yrs old arrested at Hafez 
  113. Mohamad Hossein Hashemi 27 yrs old arrested at Enghelab 

  114. Ali Reza Merrikhi 26 yrs old location arrested and taken unknown 

  115. Mahsheed Kafashian 26 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Ferdowsi, taken to Evin 

  116. Arash Shahbazi 21 yrs old arrested at Ashura by plain clothes, taken to Evin 

  117. Sina Safarizadeh 28 years old arrested on Tasoa at Imam Hossein, location taken unknown 

  118. Negar Mofidi 27 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej, taken to Evin 

  119. Mohsen Tahmasebi 31 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Imam Hossein, location taken unknown 

  120. Faeze Ghafouri Tabrizi 30 yrs old arrested on Tasoa near Ferdowsi, taken to Evin 

  121. Ashkan Fat-h-Ali 37 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azadi, taken to Evin 

  122. Mohamad Hassanzadeh 24 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr, said to have been taken to Evin 
  123. Maheen Mohseni 42 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej, taken to Evin 

  124. Amir Tehrani 25 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Enghelab, taken to Evin
  125. Bijan Ferasati Sabet 30 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Enghelab, said to have been taken to Evin
  126. Alireza Farhangdoost 29 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Imam Hossein, taken to Evin

  127. Ibrahim Ahmadvand 26 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azarbayjan, taken to Evin 

  128. Karim Ghasemkhani 32 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Shadman, said to have been taken to Evin 

  129. Bahram Nouri 22 yrs old arrested on Tasoa, near Imam Hossein, taken to Evin 

  130. Moein Mardani 25 yrs old arrested on Ashura near Enghelab, taken to Evin 

  131. Hamed Neekrou 30 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej taken, said to have been taken to Evin 

  132. Jamshid Mokhtari 28 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr Sq, taken to Evin 

  133. Mohamad Movabed 26 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Ferdowsi, taken to Evin 

  134. Ali Akbar Ketabi 20 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Enghelab, taken to Evin 
  135. Fareed Milani 27 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Shadman, taken to Evin 

  136. Ehsan Mostoufi 33 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej, said to have been taken to Evin
  137. Ali Farzaneh 28 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr, taken to Evin 

  138. Hossein Javan 24 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Vali Asr Sq, taken to Evin 

  139. Shayan Rasoulizadeh 31 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Ferdwosi, said to have been taken to Evin

  140. Makan Morshedi 23 yrs old arrested on Ashura, taken to Evin 

  141. Mehdi Golestani 38 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azadi, taken to Evin 

  142. Aazam Golmohamadi 30 yrs old arrested on Ashura, taken to Evin 

  143. Yasser Tarhrizi 26 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr, taken to Evin 

  144. Amir Eslahi 28 yrs old arrested at Tasoa, said to have been taken to Evin 

  145. Seyed Hamed Mir Karimi 22 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej, taken to Evin 
  146. Amin Ghaem Maghami 27 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Enghelab, taken to Evin 

  147. Ladan Tabatabai 27 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej, taken to Evin 

  148. Monireh Kamani 25 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Imam Hossein, taken to Evin 

  149. Fatemeh Tamadon 30 yrs old arrested on Ashura, taken to Evin 
  150. Morteza Mortezai 28 yrs old arrested on Tasoa, said to have been taken to Evin 
  151. Ali Ghodrati 29 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Ferdowsi, taken to Evin
  152. Hossein Yazdanpanah 35 yrs old arrested on Ashura, taken to Evin 

  153. Mohamad Hassan Zakeri 24 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Gharib, taken to Evin 

  154. Parisa Alizadeh 23 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Enghelab, taken to Evin 

  155. Navid Babaian 26 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azarbayjan, taken to Evin 
  156. Mehdi Nemati 20 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Ali Asr St., transferred to Evin 

  157. Bahman Rashidi 25 yrs old arrested at Jamaran, location taken unknown 
  158. Tina Abolhosseini 28 yrs old arrested in Jamaran, transferred to Evin 

  159. Mohamad Hossein Besharati 24 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej, said to have been taken to Evin 

  160. Shahrooz Hohtashemipour 30 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Shadman, transferred to Evin 

  161. Kamran Farahani 32 yrs old arrested on Ashura, location taken unknown 
  162. Amir Mohamad Milani 27 yrs old arrested on Tasoa between Imam Hossein & Ferdowsi, transferred to Evin 

  163. Meysam Zamani 29 yrs old arrested at Jamaran, transferred to Evin 

  164. Ali Aslani 37 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr, transferred to Evin 

  165. Hassan Javaheri 24 yrs old arrested on Ashura, location taken unknown 

  166. Morteza Eazami 30 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azadi, transferred to Evin 

  167. Nader Shahidifar 25 yrs old arrested on 16 Azar, transferred to Evin 

  168. Sajad Behnam 22 years old arrested on Ashura at Zartosht, said to have been taken to Evin 

  169. Hamid Reza Golkar 28 yrs old arretsed on Ashura at Aboureyhan, location taken unknown 

  170. Amir Hossein Jahangiri 21 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Ferdowsi, transferred to Evin 

  171. Hossein Assadi 36 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Enghelab transferred to Evin 
  172. Hamed Sherafati 26 yrs old arrested at Jamaran, transferred to Evin 

  173. Saeed Khorshidi 30 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej, transferred to Evin 

  174. Reza Kamili 24 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Enghelab, said to have been transferred to Evin 

  175. Iman Mostafi 24 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azadi, transferred to Evin 
  176. Mohamad Hassanpour Taghi 35 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Imam Hossein, transferred to Evin 

  177. Mojtaba Allahyari 27 yrs old arrested on Ashura, said to have been transferred to Evin 

  178. Seyed Mohamad Meyeri 21 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Ferdowsi, transferred to Evin 

  179. Ali Koshtkar 30 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Enghelab, transferred to Evin 

  180. Morteza Soltanian 32 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Imam Hossein, transferred to Evin 

  181. Vahid Ghaemi 25 yrs old arrested on Vali Asr, transferred to Evin 

  182. Esmail Jafarpour 28 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azadi transferred to Evin 

  183. Babak Saeedi 24 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Imam Hossein, said to have been transferred to Evin 
  184. Ali Sarraj 35 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej, transferred to Evin 
  185. Ramin Hajrezai 29 yrs old arrested on Ashura, transferred to Evin 

  186. Maziar Bahrami 23 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr, said to have been transferred to Evin 

  187. Behnam Rabiyi arrested on Ashura at Imam Hossein, transferred to Evin 

  188. Ali Rohani 29 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr, transferred to Evin's 240 ward 
  189. Shahab Aldinaghili 29 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Imam Hossein, transferred to Evin 
  190. Vahid Mohamadi 26 yrs old arrested at Jamaran, transferred to Evin 

  191. Abbas Bigdeli Zanjani arrested on Tasoa around Enghelab, transferred to Evin 
  192. Ali Setayesh 33 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Azadi, transferred to Evin 

  193. Mohamad Mehdi Khalghi 30 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Hafez bridge, injured & taken to Evin 

  194. Foad Rezai 28 yrs old arrested on Ashura, transferred to Evin 

  195. Nasser Saghafi 25 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Ferdowsi, transferred to Evin 

  196. Saeed Pourbagheri 31 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr, location taken unknown 
  197. Javad Amir Fazli 22 yrs old arrested on Tasoa by plain clothes at Imam Hossein, taken to Evin 

  198. Farhad Kamrad Azad 26 yrs old arrested at Jamaran, location taken unknown 

  199. Bahram Shamsai 29 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Imam Hossein Sq, transferred to Evin 

  200. Ali Reza Alimanesh 24 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej, transferred to Evin 
  201. Mohamad Zand 27 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Vali Asr, transferred to Evin 

  202. Homayoon Adibi Tehrani 32 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Keshavarz Blvd, taken to Evin 

  203. Mohamad Yaseen Amjadi 21 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azarbayejan, location taken unknown 

  204. Mohsen Hosseini 28 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej, transferred to Evin 
  205. Erfan Javeedzadeh 35 yrs old arrested on Ashura, transferred to Evin
  206. Nima Shirvani 25 yrs old arrested on Ashura, transferred to Evin 

  207. Behzad Mozafari Moghadam 30 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azadi, transferred to Evin 

  208. Asad Hashemi 26 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej, transferred to Evin 

  209. Mahmoud Ghazipour 34 yrs old arrested on Ashura, transferred to Evin 
  210. Mostafa Ahmadi 28 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azadi, transferred to Evin 

  211. Amin Naderi 20 yrs old arrested at Jamaran, transferred to Evin 

  212. Atefeh Fomeni 26 yrs old arrested on Tasoa by plain clothes, location taken unknown 

  213. Gita Moeinifar 30 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Imam Hossein, transferred to Evin 

  214. Maryam Hejati 26 yrs old arrested on Ashura, transferred to Evin 

  215. Nadia Gohari 28 yrs old arrested on Ashura, transferred to Evin
  216. Amin Seyfallahi 30 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Student Park, Vali Asr Sq, location taken unknown 
  217. Hamed Ahmadipanah 29 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Hafez St., family told he is at Evin 
  218. Amir Aghai 25 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr, contacted his family when they asked for his location, phone was disconnected 
  219. Hadi Saadat 25 yrs old arrested after the Jamaran ceremonies - family has no news

  220. Milad Ahmadloo 27 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Kalej, transferred to Evin 

  221. Hamed Jamshidi 38 yrs old arrested at Imam Hossein, location taken unknown 

  222. Kaveh Shaabani 30 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Vali Asr, transferred to Evin 

  223. Mohamad Hossein Kolhar 26 yrs old arrested on 16 Azar at Vali Asr, transferred to Evin 
  224. Mansour Bayerami 20 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Enghelab, location taken unknown 

  225. Naveed Mohamadali 25 yrs old arrested on Ashura at Azadi, transferred to Evin 

  226. Sadegh KazemShahi 33 yrs old arrested at the Jamaran ceremonies by plain clothes, beaten, nose broken, location taken unknown 

  227. Khosro RamzanZadeh 28 yrs old taken at Ashura at Azadi around Shadman, transferred to Evin 
  228. Mohamad Reza Panjali 23 yrs old arrested on Tasoa at Enghelab, transferred to Evin 

(Original post by Mani Irani)

20 January 2010

Iranian top diplomat seeks asylum in Norway

Passport confiscated and family in Iran threatened

Translated from DAGBLADET
Attempts made at threatening Consul Mohammed Reza Heydari to continue his assignment at the Iranian embassy in Oslo.


(Dagbladet): Consul general Mohammed Reza Heydari fears for his and his family's life after he resigned from his position at the Iranian embassy in Oslo just before Christmas in protest against the human rights violations and the rigged presidential election in his home country. 

Today, he seeks asylum in Norway, and hopes to continue working for freedom and democracy in Iran from a base in Oslo. 

Does not accept the resignation 
Great political unrest has dominated Iran since the 12 June election, in which president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won a hotly contested victory. 

Heydari is the first Iranian top diplomat to openly criticize the country's regime and indicate his support for the freedom movement. 

His resignation and statements have received international attention in recent weeks. This is also the reason why he does not dare to return home. 

- They will commit inhuman acts against me and my family. Since one of their own has turned against the system, it will be punished very severely, Heydari says to Dagbladet. 

The interview is held at a secret location in Oslo and the former consul receives close follow-up from the Norwegian police because of his situation. 

Heydari has worked for Iran's Foreign Ministry for 20 years, including in Georgia and Germany, before he was transferred to Oslo in 2007. 

For the last seven months, he has followed the development in Iran with increasing unrest. 

- Time and again, I sat with my colleagues at the embassy watching the TV pictures from Iran's streets where people were beaten up, killed and oppressed. I can and will no longer support a regime that terrorizes and tortures its citizens. Together with my resignation, I also sent out an invitation to other Iranian embassy employees around the world to join the peace efforts. 

Considering safety alarm
The Iranian Foreign Ministry has refused to accept his resignation. 

Heydari has been pressured and threatened to either continue his assignment at the embassy or return to Iran. 

- I was promised everything I wanted, if I would return to Iran and hold a press conference where I withdraw my remarks. I have lost everything I own in Iran, they took my passport and my family at home has already been visited by the Basij militia, but I have chosen my path and can not give in now, "he says. 

The spokesman for The Norwegian-Iranian Support Committee, Saki Rahman, is concerned for Heydaris security. 

- As long as the Iranian authorities believe that Heydari will return to Iran, he is safe in Norway. But we do not know what they will do when it becomes clear that he will not cooperate, says Rahman. 

Together with the police, they now consider moving the consul and his wife and children to a secret address and equip the family with a safety alarm. 

- I hope that the Immigration Directorate (UDI) will arrive at a quick decision in this matter. This is not a typical applicant, but a top diplomat with a very important job ahead of him. Both Jens Stoltenberg (prime minister) and Jonas Gahr-Støre (foreign secretary) has said that they support the Iranian people. This is a great opportunity to show it. 

Long processing time
The Immigration Directorate denies that Heydari will receive special treatment because of his diplomatic status. 

- Anyone who seeks asylum in Norway must meet the requirements for asylum, says Åsmund Eide, communications adviser in the Directorate of Immigration, commenting on the case in general. 

- Heydari is deprived of his passport, will this be a problem for him? 

- There are many asylum seekers without a passport. The rules are that they must substantiate their identity. 

- This will perhaps be easier for Heydari than for many others? 

- It may seem so. 

In 2009, the UDI handled 639 asylum applications from Iran. According to Eide 33 percent received a residence permission. 

- Processing time depends, however, of how difficult the case is, and how much information we must collect. The average time for an asylum application was last year 8 months. Some were processed faster and in some cases, we spent a long time, "he says. 

The Iranian embassy in Oslo has refused to comment on the matter. 


17 January 2010

TOWARDS A GREEN BAHMAN - Call for participation

On Saturday 16th January 2010, @manic77 said:
بیش از هفت ماه از شروع اعتراضات به حق مردم ایران می گذرد و با تمام تلاشهای حکومت این موج سر
ایستادن ندارد. چه روزهایی که با امید و دلهره سپری کردیم. گاهی با شادی، سر مست از پیروزیها و گاهی با غم و اندوه، برای از دست دادن همرزمانمان.

باز به روزهای سرنوشت ساز دیگری نزدیک میشویم. البته با کوله باری از تجربیات و با دلهایی امیدوارتر به پیروزی نهایی.

لازم دیدیم که از هم اکنون که حدود یکماه به این روز مهم باقیمانده، برنامه ای مدون البته با کمک شما یاران تهیه کنیم تا طی روزهای آینده شاید راهنمایی باشد برای همراهان و یادآوریهایی برای همرزمان.

لیست زیر به هیچ عنوان یک نمونه کامل نیست و هر روز با همفکری و همکاری یکدیگر کامل و کاملتر خواهد شد.

اگر هرکس بسته به توان خود و مطابق شرایطی که دارد، قدم کوچکی برای اجرای حتی یکی از موارد زیر بردارد، کمک شایانی به برگزاری هرچه باشکوهتر این روز تاریخی خواهد کرد

1- از سرگیری دیوار نویسی ها با ایده هایی نوین

2- از سرگیری چاپ و پخش اعلامیه ها

ترجیحا متنی مشترک با نوشتاری ساده اما گیرا و کوتاه برای دعوت عموم بسیار موثر واقع خواهد شد. بر روی این متن میباست همکاری زیادی کرد.

اضافه کردن لینک متن اعلامیه مشترک – اضافه کردن لینک روشهای چاپ و پخش اعلامیه با حفظ امنیت

3- شعار نویسی برروی اسکناس جهت دعوت مردم به راهپیمایی سبز 22 بهمن

اضافه کردن لینک شعارهای پیشنهادی برای اسکناس نویسی – اضافه کردن لینک نمونه اسکناسهای شعار نویسی شده – اضافه کردن لینک روشهای ابداعی و آموزش اسکناس نویسی

4- تهیه فیلمها و نماهنگهای مرتبط، جهت اطلاع رسانی و پخش آنها از طریق اینترنت، بلوتوث، سی دی،….

دوستان هنرمند به خصوص آنهایی که در خارج از ایران زندگی میکنند و با کارهای ویدیویی آشنایی دارند نیازمند یاری سبزتان هستیم

فیلمها و نماهنگهای بهمن سبز جدید

5- ساخت سرود، آهنگها و اشعار مرتبط

مجددا دوستان هنرمند به خصوص آنهایی که در خارج از ایران زندگی میکنند نیازمند یاری سبزتان هستیم

اضافه کردن لینک سرودهای منتخب

6- انتخاب شعارهای مناسب و همچنین ساخت شعارهای جالب با ایده هایی

شعارهای انتخابی جدید

رفراندوم ، رفراندوم ، اینست شعار مردم

نه شرقی ، نه غربی ، جمهوری ایرانی

مرگ بر دیکتاتور

تا خون در رگ ماست آزادی خواسته ماست

شعار امسال ما دین از سیاست جدا

بهمن هشتاد و هشت دیکتاتوری درگذشت

برادر ارتشی وقتشه آزاد بشی

تجمع صلح آمیز حق مسلم ماست

قانون انتخابات اصلاح بايد گردد

کار خدا با خدا دین از سیاست جدا

مرگ بر طالبان چه کابل چه ایران

ندائیم ، سهرابیم ما همه یکصدائیم

قوانین اساسی حق مسلم ماست

7- طراحی و نشر پوستر، بنر و لوگوهای سبز توسط دوستان گرافیست

تغییر لوگوها یا آواتارهای فیس بوک، تویتر و سایر شبکه های اجتماعی که در آن عضو هستیم. قراردادن بنرها در وبلاگها و وبسایتهایمان. به اشتراک گذاری پوسترهای طراحی شده از طریق وبلاگها، ایمیل، شبکه های اجتماعی و …

لوگوهای طراحی شده بهمن سبز لوگوهای جدید
پوسترهای طراحی شده بهمن سبز پوسترهای جدید
اضافه کردن لینک بنرهای گرافیکی برای سایتها

8- تصمیم گیری و بررسی در ارتباط با محل و زمان تجمع سبز ها و اعلام کردن آن به صورت مکرر یکهفته قبل از روز راهپیمایی اعتراضی

در سایت بالاترین این ایده مطرح شده است که حتما راهپیمایی تهران در همان میدان آزادی برگزار شود و البته مورد توجه هم قرار گرفته این نکته نیاز به تبادل نظر بیشتری دارد جدید

لینک مطلب در بالاترین

اضافه کردن لینک زمان و مکان راهپیمایی ها در تهران و سایر شهرهای ایران همراه با تصاویر بر روی نقشه گوگل

9- برنامه ریزی برای هر 10 روز این دهه و اعلام هرچه سریعتر آنها از طریق وسایل ارتباطی ذکر شده

دوشنبه 12 بهمن : اعتصاب نمادین یکروزه سبزجدید لطفا دوستان در این مورد توضیح بدن

سه شنبه 13 بهمن

چهارشنبه 14 بهمن : دربی سبز در استادیوم آزادی و به هوا فرستادن صدها هزار بادکنک سبز در استادیوم و شاید در تمام شهرهای ایران

پنجشنبه 15 بهمن : حمایت از اسرای سبز، تجمع سکوت مقابل اوین ساعت ۳-۵ بعد از ظهر

جمعه 16 بهمن : چهلم شهدای عاشورا و رفتن بر سر مزار شهدای جنبش سبز حدود ساعت 12

شنبه 17 بهمن : همراهی با مادران عزا دار در پارک لاله ساعت 6 یا 7

یکشنبه 18 بهمن

دوشنبه 19 بهمن

سه شنبه 20 بهمن

چهارشنبه 21 بهمن : بلندترین و رساترین شعارهای شبانه خود را به گوش کودتاچیان می رسانیم

پنجشنبه 22 بهمن : روز پیروزی ملت سبز ایران در مورد زمان و مکان باید به توافق برسیم

10- دوستان خارج از کشور، اعلام محلها و ساعات برگزاری راهپیماییها در شهرهای مختلف خارج از کشور، حداقل یکهفته قبل. همچنین اقدام به اطلاع رسانی وسیع در این زمینه

اضافه کردن لینک زمان و مکان تظاهرات شهرهای خارج از ایران

11- شروع اعتصابات اجتماعی و نافرمانیهای مدنی با آغاز بهمن ماه

این بند نیاز به برنامه ریزی و بحث و گفتگو دارد

اضافه کردن لینک راهکارها، نظرات و تصمیمات در ارتباط با نافرمانیهای مدنی و اعتصابات

12- عدم پرداخت قبوض آب، برق، تلفن و …

13- خارج کردن پولهایمان از بانکها با شروع بهمن ماه

14- تحریم جشنواره فیلم فجر

15- اطلاع رسانی وسیع اینترنتی از طریق ارسال ایمیلهای گروهی، شبکه های اجتماعی مانند فیس بوک، تویتر، بالاترین…، استفاده از مسنجرها

اضافه کردن لینک مطالب تاثیر گذار برای ارسال از طریق اینترنت -

16- اطلاع رسانی وسیع از طریق شبکه اس ام اس

میتوان جهت حفظ امنیت شخص فرستنده متن را با غلطهای املایی ولی مفهموم مثلا به جای بهمن سبز بنویسیم بحمن صبزارسال کرد یا حتی متن را برعکس بفرستیم مثلا به جای بهمن سبز بنوسیم نمهب زبس

اضافه کردن لینک متون کوتاه پیشنهادی برای ارسال از طریق اس ام اس

17- اطلاع رسانی از طریق تماس تلفنی اتفاقی

با استفاده از کارتهای تلفن عمومی جهت مخفی ماندن هویت شما یا دوستان مقیم خارج از ایران از طریق برنامه های VoIP مانند Skype, Internet Calls, ….

18- صرف زمان بیشتری برای اطلاع رسانی شفاهی

در تاکسی، محل کار، فروشگاه محل و …

19- دعوت از افراد سرشناس جامعه مانند هنرمندان، ورزشکاران، روحانیون، نظامیان، بازاریان، نخبگان و … برای شرکت در راهپیمایی یا حداقل اتخاذ موضعی واحد

20- بحث و تبادل نظر در ارتباط با تاکتیکهای حکومت، پیش بینی حرکات آنها و یافتن روشهایی برای کم اثر کردن این حرکات و البته اطلاع رسانی در ارتباط با آنها

اضافه کردن لینک نتایج این مباحثات

21- تکمیل این لیست با همفکری و همکاری یکدیگر. همچنین اجرای بندهای آن بسته به توان هر فرد

میدانیم که جنبش سبز از سه عنصر اصلی خرد جمعی ٬ هماهنگی اجتماعی و اجراء گروهی تشکیل شده و راز پیروزی آن در همین سه عنصر نهفته است

22- موارد و مسائل ایمنی که باید در روز راهپیمایی رعایت شوند

- با چند نفر از دوستان یا نزدیکان به تظاهرات بروید و به هیچ عنوان به تنهایی به تظاهرات نروید
- جلوی هیجانهای خود را بگیرد، از خشونت تا حد ممکن اجتناب نمایید
- در صورت حمله نیروهای سرکوبگر به کوچه های خلوت و باریک فرار نکنید ضمنا درحین بازگشت از تظاهرات مسیرهای اصلی را انتخاب کنید
- سعی کنید افراد مشکوک و نفوذی را در بین تظاهر کنندگان شناسایی کنید بدانید که شکل و ظاهر آنها شاید تفاوت محسوسی با شما نداشته باشد ولی رفتارشان کاملا متفاوت است
- دسته های بزرگتر مکان امن تری هستند پس سعی به ایجاد دسته های بزرگ نمایید
- لیدرها هر چند دقیقه یکبار جایشان را با لیدرهای دیگر عوض کنند که به اینصورت امکان شناسایی کمتر است
- بگذارید گروهتان مسیر را انتخاب کند نه یک فرد
- به اشخاصی که به وسایل عمومی صدمه میزند تذکر دهید ولی با آنها درگیر نشوید
- از همراه داشتن هر نوع سلاح و همینطور علامت یا نشانه ای که شما را به گروه خاص سیاسی یا مذهبی متعلق میکند به جز نشانه های جنبش سبز جدا خودداری نمایید
- ترجیحا از ماسک یا شال گردن برای مخفی نگه داشتن هویت خود استفاده کنید
- سعی کنید شکل ظاهریتان عادی باشد. لباسهای ساده بپوشید به گونه ای که در چشم نباشید
- ترجیحا قبل از رفتن به تظاهرات موبایلتان را خاموش کنید و تا زمان برگشت همچنان آنرا خاموش نگه دارید
- اگر موبایلتان را همراه خود میبرید عکسها، فیلمها و شماره تلفنهایی که برایتان خطر ساز خواهد بود را پاک نمایید
- حواستان به دوربینهای نصب شده برای کنترل ترافیک باشد
- در صورت بالاگرفتن درگیریها سعی در بستن مسیرهای ویژه تردد اتوبوسها نمایید
- شجاعت با حماقت یک قدم فاصله دارد پس عاقلانه تصمیم بگیرید چون به وجود شما در جشن پیروزی نیازمندیم


TOWARDS A GREEN BAHMAN - Call for participation

RT @iran_letter TR @manic77: http://bit.ly/7bihCg or http://tl.gd/3uv79 #IranElection #SoG

It is now over 7 months since the start of Iranian people's protests against violations of their essential rights. Despite all the efforts of the regime, there is no stopping this tsunami wave of protests. What hopes and fears have we not experienced during the past 7 months... Some days happy, drunk with our victories, others sad for the loss of our dear friends...

Once again, we approach another series of fateful days. This time with more experience under our our belt, and more hopeful than ever for the final victory.

Now that we have about 1 month to this fateful day, with your assistance, I felt it necessary to come up with a plan to help guide our activities in the coming days.

The following list is by no means complete and will evolve daily based on your suggestions and ideas.

If you are in a position to assist with any of the following, you would be making a great contribution to this grand historical day.

1. Resumption of "writings on the wall" using novel ideas

2. Publishing and distribution of statements

- Preferably a common statement or a short and simple invitation for the masses to join. We need to collaborate on the wording of the statment.

- Creating web-links for the common statements; creating web links for how to publish & distribute the statements while staying safe

3. Writing slogans on bank notes (currency bills) to invite the general public to join the rallies on #22Bahman

- Creating web links for the slogans to be written on bank notes; creating web links showing photos of bank notes with slogans; creating web links to teach people how to write on bank notes

4. Preparing videos & audios for informing people and inviting them to join; distribution of these videos & audios using the internet, bluetooth, CDs, etc..

- Artistically inclined friends who live abroad and are familiar with video-work: WE CAN REALLY USE YOUR HELP HERE.

Some new #22bahman videos:


5. Preparing songs, anthems & related music

Once again, artistically inclined friends, especially those who live abroad: WE CAN REALLY USE YOUR HELP HERE.

- Creating web links for chosen songs & anthems.

6. Picking appropriate slogans and coming up with new slogans

Some new slogans:

- Referendum, referendum; this is the people's slogan رفراندوم ، رفراندوم ، اینست شعار مردم

- Neither Eastern, nor Western; Iranian Republic نه شرقی ، نه غربی ، جمهوری ایرانی

- Death to the dictator مرگ بر دیکتاتور

- As long as blood runs through our veins, we shall seek freedom تا خون در رگ ماست آزادی خواسته ماست

- Our slogan this year; separation of religion & state شعار امسال ما دین از سیاست جدا

- Dictatorship died in Bahman 88 بهمن هشتاد و هشت دیکتاتوری درگذشت

- IRGC brother, it's time for you to become free برادر ارتشی وقتشه آزاد بشی

- Peaceful gatherings are our essential right تجمع صلح آمیز حق مسلم ماست

- Election law should be modified قانون انتخابات اصلاح بايد گردد

- Leave God's work to God; Separate religion and politics کار خدا با خدا دین از سیاست جدا

- Down with Taliban, be it in Kabul or Tehran مرگ بر طالبان چه کابل چه ایران

- We are #Neda, we are #Sohrab, we are all of one voice ندائیم ، سهرابیم ما همه یکصدائیم

- Adherence to the constitution, our essential right قوانین اساسی حق مسلم ماست

7. Design & publication of posters, banners & logos for Green Bahman with the help of Graphic Artist friends

- Replacing our logos & avatars on facebook, twitter & other social networking media.
- Using banners in our websites and web logs.
- Sharing posters through web logs, internet, email,...

8. Deciding where and when the Green rallies will take place and announcing them to the public one week in advance of the rally

- In the Balatarin site, it has been suggested that Tehran rallies should take place in Azadi Square. However, it has also been mentioned that this topic requires further discussion. See http://balatarin.com/permlink/2010/1/16/1916689

- Showing the time and place of the rallies in Tehran & other cities on google maps

9. Plans for the following 10 days and announcing the plans ASAP:

Monday 12 Bahman (Feb 1) : Green strike for one day - friends please explain about this.
Tuesday 13 Bahman (Feb 2) :
Wednesday 14 Bahman (Feb 3): Green derby in Azadi stadium & flying several hundred thousand Green balloons in this stadium and possibly in other cities
Thursday 15 Bahman (Feb 4): Silent gathering in front of Evin prison from 3-5 to support the Green detainees
Friday 16 Bahman (Feb 5): 40th day anniversary of #Ashura deaths. Visit graves of Green martyrs starting around noon
Saturday 17 Bahman (Feb 6): Join mourning mothers in Laleh park around 6-7 pm
Sunday 18 Bahman (Feb 7):
Monday 19 Bahman (Feb 8):
Tuesday 20 Bahman (Feb 9):
Wednesday 21 Bahman (Feb 10): Loudest nightly chants ever
Thursday 22 Bahman (Feb 11): Day of victory for the Green Nation of Iran. Time & place to be determined.

10. For friends residing abroad: Deciding on time and place of rallies in various cities & announcing them at least one week in advance.

- Creating web links for rallies abroad.

11. Start of strikes and civil disobedience beginning with 1st of Bahman. This topic needs further discussion & planning.

- creating web links for ideas, decisions, know hows on strikes and civil disobedience.

12. Refusing to pay water, phone, electric bills...

13. Moving our money out of banks starting in Bahman

14. Boycotting the Fajr Film Festival

15. Dissemination of information through the internet, mass emails, social networking sites such as facebook, twitter, balatarin..., messenger; creating related web links.

16. Dissemniation of information through SMS

- To avoid being tracked, we can garble the messages or encode them. So instead of "Green Bahman", we can say "Grene Bohmon" or even "namhab neerg"

- creating web links for messages to be sent through SMS

17. Disseminating information through casual phone calls

-To be safe, use calling cards, VOIP, Skype, Internet calls...

18. Spreading information in person (in cabs, stores, work place,...)

19. Inviting renowned figures (such as artists, athletes, religious & military figures, renowned bazaar merchants, intellectuals, etc...) to participate in the rallies or at lest express their unity with the rallies

20. Debate & exchange of ideas on regime tactics, predicting their plans and finding ways to neutralize it, and of course spreading the news.

- creating web links for these discussions

21. Improving & updating this list based your ideas & suggestions. Implementing each item on the list to the best of our abilities.

The Green movement is formed based on the three principles of: COMMUNAL WISDOM, SOCIETAL COMRADERY, & GROUP IMPLEMENTATION. The key to our victory lies in these three principles.

22. Safety issues to observe during rallies:
- Do not go to rallies alone. Go with several friends and relatives.
- Do not get excited. Do not get violent.
- If attacked by security forces, do not go through narrow alleys. Choose main path roads when returning home from rallies.
- Try to identify the "moles" in the crowds. They may not look that different from you, but they sure act different.
- Bigger groups are safer. Try to join the bigger groups.
- Leaders of groups should rotate positions, so they can't be identified.
- The rally route should be decided by the group, not a single individual.
- If you come across someone who is destroying public property, you can advise them not to. But don't get into a fight with them.
- Do not carry any weapons or IDs which links you to certain political or religious groups, save for Green symbols.
- Cover your face with a mask or scarf so you can't be identified.
- Look normal. Wear simple clothes. You don't want to draw attention to yourself.
- Before going to the rally, turn off your mobile and keep it turned off until you return from the rally.
- If you take your mobile with you, erase photos, videos, phone numbers, which can put you in danger.
- Pay attention to the "traffic cameras".
- If violence escalates, try to close the traffic routes for buses.
- Keep in mind that there is a thin line between courage & stupidity. Make wise choices, because the Green movement needs you to stay alive.


Text in farsi http://tl.gd/3uv79

More diplomats may quit in protest

- says former Iranian consul general in Oslo to Reuters

By Aasa Christine Stoltz and Kurt Pedersen

OSLO (Reuters) - A former Iranian diplomat to Norway, who announced his resignation earlier this month in protest against Tehran's crackdown on pro-reform demonstrators, said on Friday he expects other diplomats to follow his example.

"I am 100 percent certain that there will be more (diplomats) doing what I have done," Iranian consul Mohammed Reza Heydari told Reuters in an interview.

Read full story

Also read StreetJournalistIran Diplomat Who Quit Over Crackdown Hints At More Resignations

VoA interview with Heidari (farsi only)

5 January 2010

Iranian diplomat resigns over brutal Ashura crackdown

Norwegian Broadcasting News 5 January 2010, 19:00 local time.

- reports that the Consul at the Iranian Embassy in Oslo has resigned over the regime's brutal violence against the protesters in the days following Christmas (i.e. Ashura).

The consul is now in Oslo, but has not yet contacted Norwegian authorities. Mohammad Reza Heydari has worked at the embassy for three years.

- It was the Iranian regime's brutal treatment of the protesters in the days after Christmas that made up my concience to resign, Heydari tells NRK.

At least eight persons were killed and lots of people were arrested.

He confrms that he has resigned and considers asking Norwegian authorities for help.

The leader of the Norwegian-Iranian Support Comittee, Rahman Saki, is worried about Heydari's security.

- It will be very difficult. He will be punished severly if he returns to Iran. Not only he himself, but also his family, Saki says.

A spokesman for the Iranian Embassy in Oslo refuses to comment on what he calls lies and baseless rumours.

Report from NKR TV: